Aquesta setmana hem tingut una visita sorpresa a Vancouver! Diumenge van arribar directes de Xina la Mireia i en Fran, uns amics de la Glòria! Alguns us preguntareu i qui és la Glòria... La Glòria és una bona amiga que vaig conèixer a Irlanda fa uns anys.
Així doncs ens vam posar en contacte, i els vaig anar a buscar a l'Aeroport. Sobrevivint al jetlag, vam aconseguir trobar la casa on s'estan, a una hora en transport públic de Downtown!
L'endemà vam quedar a les 6 al sortir de la feina i vam anar a voltar sota la pluja. És divertit ensenyar una ciutat que no és la teva a gent que encara la coneixen menys que tu! :) Al final vam acabar fent uns kebabs a casa i perdent l'últim bus regular, així k vam improvisar un hostel rapidament i es van quedar a dormir.
Avui dijous, hem tornat a quedar, poc a poc ja se'ls nota que comencen a tenir la ciutat apamada, i d'aquí a res serien Vancouverians de pura soca si no fos per que se'n van a buscar feina a Kelowna aviat...
Està molt bé tenir de cop i volta amics catalans a la vora, després de tant de temps!
Benvinguts a Canadà Mireia i Fran! :D
Ah! I un petit apunt d'última hora! Al final vam posposar el rodatge de l'òptica dues setmanes! Moltes gràcies a tothom que m'ha preguntat com m'havia anat! Ja us aniré mantenint informat! ;)
This week we had an unexpected visit here in Vancouver! Last Sunday Mireia and Fran, two friends of Gloria, came straight from China! Maybe you are wondering who is Gloria... Gloria is a good friend that I met in Ireland some years ago.
So we got in touch, and last day I went to welcome them to the airport. Surviving as well as they could to the jet lag, we got to the place where they are staying for some days.
On Monday, we met again at 6 after work, and we visit Vancouver under the rain. It's curious to show a city that is not yours to some people that they know it less than you! :) Finally we end eating a kebab at home, and losing their last bus. So we improvised a hostel, and they spent the night at our place.
Today Thursday, we met again. and little by little they are starting to know the city much better, and I'm sure than in some days they will became Vancouverians if it was not for the fact that they are leaving to Kelowna soon...
It's good to have Catalan friends around again, after so much time!
Welcome to Canada Mireia and Fran! :D
As a matter of fact! Finally we postponed the shooting of the Glasses Shop for two weeks. Thank you to those who asked me about it! I will keep you updated! ;)