Primer de tot i el mes important, les mil despedides! En la última setmana hi ha hagut un èxode massiu de gent de Vancouver, i encara n'hi haurà més en els pròxims mesos.
Alguns tornen cap a casa com en Jordi. Altres tornen a estudiar com en Mario. I altres comencen en un país nou com la Vanessa.
Però tots tenen algo en comú, tots comencen noves aventures que de ben segur els seguiràn omplint de grans moments, grans amics i increïbles experiències!
L'Albert l'altre dia escrivia que es crea una sensació estranya quan algú marxa. Per que no només trobes a faltar la persona en sí. Sinó que també trobes a faltar la persona que erets quan erets amb ell/a, en aquell lloc i moment concrets, ja que no tornaràs a ser-la mai més.
Ara mateix escrivint aquestes línies acaba d'explotar una cançó a l'Itunes, per sorpresa, que m'ha destrossat per dintre. Era una cançó que vaig escoltar moltíssim quan estava de camí a Nova York (Jordi segur k ja saps quina és jajaja). És una cançó molt alegre, però només de sentir-la m'han vingut tants records a la ment que no he pogut evitar arrencar a plorar com un criu!
I és que només cal repassar una mica el blog per veure que aquest ha sigut un gran any per a mi, com ho va ser l'anterior, i l'altre, i Irlanda, i de ben segur ho seran els següents. Però no puc deixar de pensar que inevitablement cada vegada que canvio de ciutat deixo mil persones enrere, i amb elles deixo enrere les persones que vaig ser quan estava a Dublin, Vancouver, Nova York, Barcelona, o qualsevol altre lloc.
És llei de vida, i em passaria igual si em quedes sempre al mateix lloc, per que la gent va i ve. Així que em quedaré amb les millors sensacions i a seguir tirant endavant. Que tot està per fer i tot és possible!
I en moments així se'm crea una sensació de bipolaritat espectacular, que m'encanta. Pots sentir-te tant trist duran dos segons i tant feliç els dos segons següents, que realment te n'adones de lo complexos i espectacular que son els sentiments, cosa que és fàcil oblidar quan et submergeixes en una rutina.
M'estic enrotllant massa, ho sento. Avui serà llarg el post, per que em queden un munt de coses a explicar encara. Si actualitzés més sovint...
A mitjans de setmana, el landlord em va dir que el dia 1 de Setembre entrava a viure a la meva habitació algú altre, així que l'havia de deixar lliure per llavors i no el dia 5 com havíem parlat anteriorment. Després de una cerca prou exhaustiva i de considerar mil alternatives. La Bec i en Doug em van oferir d'estar-me a casa seva uns dies! Així que gràcies a ells ja està solucionat!
Són unes bellíssimes persones, que per cert sembla ser que també marxen aviat! L'èxode de que us
parlava, veieu... Són els hostes de la primera festa que vam fer només arribar a Vancouver per "Thanks Giving" aviat farà un any.
Últimament també he rebut la visita de la Maria! Una amiga de la casa de Berga que casualment passava per aquí! jajajajaja Qui ens havia de dir que ens trobaríem a l'altre punta de Món!
Per cert, diumenge dia 1, tenim la nostra Via Catalana a Vancouver! Ja us explicaré com ha anat!! I penjaré fotos! Aprofito per a fer una crida des d'aquí, que si no esteu apuntats encara a la Via Catalana de l'11 de Setembre a Catalunya, no sé a que espereu! Tots cap al Delta de l'Ebre que hi falta gent! No sigueu mandrosos i aneu-hi que valdrà la pena! Serà històric i un bon cop d'afecte per a que algun dia poguem ser un país amb totes les de la llei! Vinga va que això va en serio aquesta vegada!
Més coses. Ara ja les coses secundàries, que ja no valdrà tant la pena de recordar d'aquestes últimes setmanes a Vancouver. Avui m'han acomiadat de la feina!
Sona molt fort, però no ho és. Dimecres vinent havia de ser el meu últim dia, i dilluns és festa a Vancouver (pel dia del treballador. Ja té guassa no?¿ XD). Així que em quedaven dos dies només (i alguns projectes per acabar), i per a estalviar-se'ls m'han dit que no cal que torni la setmana que ve.
Ha sigut totalment fora de lloc, inapropiat, i sobtat. No m'ho esperava pas. Però no soc la primera ni seré la última persona que marxa d'aquella empresa en estranyes circumstàncies. De fet no conec altre manera de sortir-ne. Pregunteu a qualsevol que hi hagi treballat.
Feia ja temps que aguantava per que era una bona oportunitat per a agafar experiència, ampliar currículum, i la veritat és que hi he aprés moltíssim. I per això els hi estic agraït. Però hi havia coses que feia temps que grinyolaven. Una d'elles el sou. Només us diré que feia més pasta treballant al restaurant de rentaplats, que en una feina qualificada com era aquesta. I jo encara que cobrava...
De fet el millor de la feina, sens dubte, ha sigut la gent amb qui he treballat. Se'ls ha de reconèixer que tenen bon ull escollint a l'equip. Trobaré a faltar la Vanessa, en Raul, l'Aaron, la Miyuki, la Jenifer, la Petra, l'Anderson, la Nisha, la Joy, la Sunny, en Daniel i en Michael, la Lídia i altra gent que ha passat per allà... I per que no, també trobaré (una mica només) a faltar en Mike i la Kirstie...
I res, això és tot per avui. Deu nidó quantes coses no. Si actualitzés més sovint... Pero ara costa trobar el moment! A part en 6 dies me'n vaig a Alaska!!! Quins nervis!! :D
Ja us seguiré explicant! I a Alaska intentaré actualitzar tant sovint com pugui també!! ;)
Crazy weeks before the trip! So crazy that you won't believe it!
First of all and the most important, the 1000 good byes! For the last weeks there had been an massive exodus from Vancouver, and there will be some more next months.
Some come back home like Jordi. Others go back to university like Mario. And others start a brand new life in a brand new country like Vanessa.
But all them have something in common, they all have new adventures ahead that I'm sure they will fulfill with great moments, great friends and amazing experiences!
Albert was writing last day:
"You get a strange feeling when you’re about to leave a place, we pondered, like you’ll not only miss the people you love but you’ll miss the person you are now at this time and this place, because you’ll never be this way ever again."
At this same moment, while I was writing this lines, it had just exploded a song in Itunes that has destroyed myself inside out! Is a song that I listened many many times on my way to New York. It's a happy song, but only hearing it it reminded me so many things that I couldn't help to brake into tears as a child!
I only need to take a look to the blog to see that it had been such a wonderful year for me, as it was also the years before and the ones ahead too. But I can not help thinking that every time that I change of city I left so many people behind and with them I left behind also the person that I used to be in Dublin, New York, Vancouver, Barcelona or any other place...
That's life! And it will be the same if I was in only one city, because people keep coming and going. But I can not do any other thing than keeping the good memories and keep going! That everything is still to be done, and everything is possible!
As you can see, emotions are in the air. But don't worry because it is not bad! It is a good feeling to feel that you are alive and that there are thousand things to assume, thousand decisions to take and thousand changes to face!
And in moments like this it is like a bipolar sensation where I can be really sad for few seconds and really happy for few seconds more, that you realise how wonderful and complex are the feelings! Thing that is easy to forget when I am setled in a routine.
I am writing too much, sorry! Today it will be long, I have plenty of things to explain! If only i could write more often...
Last week my landlord told me that I must leave the first of september, when he already told me before that I could stay until the 5th. I kind of freak out for a day or two, but then Bec and Doug offer me to stay at their place for a while! So thanks to them everything is solved!
They are such a wonderful couple, and it also seems that they are leaving soon too. You know about the exodus I was talking about...
They are the hosts of the first canadian party we had. The one of Thanks Giving almost one year ago!
Thank you again Bec and Doug for everything!!! ;)
Last week I also recived the visit of Maria! A friend from the house we share back in a little town from on the mountains in Barcelona.
If two or three years ago somebody told me that I will meet her here, I wouldn't believe it.
Changing of topic. Next Sunday 1st of September there is a kind of demostration in Standley Park in order to support the Catalan Independence, and our right to choose our future within or outside Spain. Right that we are not having right now. Spain is known by the flamenco, toros, paella, crisis but what people doesn't know is even the fact of being in Europe Spain is not the more democratic and open minded country. We have to change this!
Feel free to join us in a human chain. On the Sptember the 11th (national day of Catalonia my country, even the fact that will be always remembered for other sad events) there will be a huge human chain that will cross all our country from France to Valencia. Keep an eye on that too! ;)
More things. Now the less important ones, that won't be worth remembering in the future. Today I got fired of my job!
It sounds so bad, but it isn't. Next Wednesday it was supposed to be my last day before the trip to Alaska. Monday is bank holiday (Labor Day, isn't it funny?), so it was only 2 days more! So to save some money they told me not to come next week even the fact that I hadn't finished the projects I was supposed to.
It was so weird, and unexpected. I didn't thought about this possibility. But I'm not the first neither the last persone that will leave this job within weird sircumstances. Atually, I don't know any other way to left this company. Ask anyone that worked there.
It had been for a while that I was holding there, because it was a good oportunity for me to get more experience, more resume and more knowledge. And I must say that i learned so much there. I am really grateful to them in that way. But there are things I didn't like aobout it. One of them the salary. I was earning more money washing dishes in the restaurant than in editing videos. And I'm not kidding, it's true. And I was fortunately, because I was being paid at least.
Actually, the best of the job was the people that I worked with. I must admit that they have good eye choosing people. I will miss Vanessa, Raul, Aaron, Miyuki, Jenifer, Petra, Anderson, Nisha, Joy, Sunny, Daniel & Michael, Lídia and all the people that passed by. And I must also admit that I will also miss in a way or another Mike and Kirstie.
And that's all by now. Well, that's not bad is it? If only I could write the blog more often... But it;s hard to find a moment. And n addition, in 6 days I am leaving to Alaska!!! I so nervous! :D
I will tell you more about it soon! And in Alaska I will try to update you more often!! ;)