dimecres, 9 d’octubre del 2013

Nous projectes!

Aquest pot ser que sigui l'últim post al Cronos Dirà, fins a la següent aventura! Però no ho deixarem morir tan fàcilment això!

Primer de tot us vull agrair el suport rebut i la vostra companyia incondicional durant tot aquest darrer any. La finalitat principal del blog era fer-vos partícips de la meva aventura, i així mantenir el contacte tot i la distància!

He de dir, que aquest objectiu s'ha acomplert amb escreix. I no només això, sinó que gràcies al blog he recuperat el contacte amb gent que feia mil anys que no en sabia res, i sé del cert que també hi ha gent llegint-lo que no coneixia!

Dit això, i complint in extremis una promesa que us vaig fer fa molt de temps, avui us ensenyaré el vídeo que vaig fer farà ja uns mesos per a la òptica, a Vancouver!

Però no ho faré des d'aquí. Ho faré des de un nou blog que tot just estreno avui. Al canviar d'etapa, canvien també les necessitats, i ara el k necessito és una feina. Així que com que la cosa està xunga, he decidit anar per lliure i buscar-me la vida!

Avui estreno:

A veure si aquest blog també supera les expectatives i em dona feina, nous projectes, i algo de pasta per anar sobrevivint! ;)

Moltes gràcies altre cop, una abraçada ben forta i fins ben aviat!


Si necessiteu algun vídeo, ja sabeu! jejeje


This may be the last post in a while in Cronos Dirà. At least until the next adventure! But we won't let it die so easily!

First of all I want to thank you all the support and company all along the last year! The aim of the blog was to keep in touch with family and friends, but not only had we achieved this that I got in touch with people that I used to know long ago, and others that I have never met before!

Once this is said, and fulfilling a promise made long ago, today I will show you the video of the Optic shop I worked in Vancouver.
But I won't do it from here! I will show it to you from a new blog I just started today. As far as I am changing of stage, the needs of this new stage are changing too. What I really need now is a job! So I will create one, to earn my life!

Today I want to show you

Lets see if this new blog is also exceeding the expectations, and it give me job, projects to work on, and some money too.

Thank you again, big hug and see you soon!


If you need any video, you know where I am! ;)

dissabte, 5 d’octubre del 2013

Hola, ja soc aquí! :)

Ahir feia exactament un any que vaig marxar. També feia un any que vaig deixar el meu pare sense poder celebrar el seu aniversari... I per a compensar aquest deute de mal fill, ahir els vaig fer un regalet, i em vaig presentar a casa per sorpresa!

La cosa va anar així:

- A les 7 i picu del matí, l'Anna i en Jordi em van venir a a buscar a l'aeroport.
- Vam deixar totes les maletes a casa en Jordi, i vaig anar a dinar a casa mons avis. A ells ja els tenia avisats. No volia dona-ls'hi un ensurt tampoc.
- Vaig passar la tarda mig-adormint el jet lag. I al vespre cap a les 7 i picu vam anar a la UEC on estrenaven la exposició fotogràfica dels 50 anys, on jo col·laboraré amb un vídeo més endavant. També els vam donar una bona sorpresa a ells!
- I finalment, a les 9 havíem quedat amb mons pares per a fer un skype i celebrar que mon pare feia anys i k ja feia un any també que era fora.

Així que ma germana truca a casa dient que arribaria tard, però que ja venia. Jo em connecto a l'skype des de casa en Jordi, mons pares ja estaven connectats també i ens truquem. Al cap de poc els dic que ja he trobat casa i que els vull presentar la meva nova companya de pis. I és llavors quan ma germana entra en escena i s'asseu al meu costat.

Mons pares descol·locats no entenien res, fins que es van adonar que no era l'Anna qui havia marxat, sinó que era jo que havia tornat! Entre alegria, i tot dient-me que estava boig, van venir a buscar-nos i ja va ser llavors quan ens vam retrobar!

Tota una sorpresa! Que ha sigut la raó per la qual molt poca gent sabia que tornava! Em sap greu no haver-vos avisat abans, però ja veieu que ha valgut la pena!

- Més tard vaig visitar els meus tiets que viuen molt a prop! I a mitjanit també ens vam retrobar amb la colla de la uni. Estaven acomiadant-se de la Carla que marxa en breus cap a Canadà! És el meu relleu, sabeu!? :) Si llegeixes això Carla, molta sort!! Et desitjo el millor!! I ja m'explicaràs com et va!

I res, això és tot! Espero veure-us ben aviat a tots! Com sempre, una abraçada i fins ben aviat!


Yesterday it was an exact year since I left! It also was a year since I left my father without celebration of his birthday... And to pay back this bad son's debt, yesterday I give him a little present, so I got home as a surprise!

Things went that way:

- At 7:30AM I got to the airport, where my sister and Jordi, where waiting for me!

- I left the luggage at Jordi's place and I went to have lunch with my grandparents who where aware of everything. I didn't want to scare them too much! 

- I spent the afternoon half asleep because of the Jet Lag. And at 7 we went to the climbing center where I used to work, to meet some friends that were there because of the inauguration of an exhibition. It was such a big surprise for them too!

-And finally at 9PM I had an appointment with my parents by skype, to celebrate his birthday and my first year abroad!

So my sister called them to tell them that she was arriving late, but she was on her way. I connected myself to Skype and they were already there! At some point, I tell them that I already found a place to stay, and that I want to introduce them my new flat-mate. So Then is when my sister appears next to me!

My parents, not understanding anything, finally realized that it was not that my sister came to Canada, but that I came back home! So between cheerfulness, surprise and telling me that I'm mad, my parents come to pick us up!

Such a surprise that had been the reason why I hadn't told a soul that I was coming! I'm so sorry not to tell you in advanced, but as you can see it was worth it! 

- Later, I visited my aunt, uncle and cousins that are living so close from home. And at midnight, I met with my university friends that were saying goodbye to Carla who is coming to live to Canada really really soon! She is the person I let in charge of the country, while I am gone, you know!? ;)
If you are reading this, I hope you have a great time there, and I wish you the best of luck!! Hope to hear from you soon!!

And that's all folks! I hope to see everyone of you very soon!
As usually, big hugs and see you!

divendres, 4 d’octubre del 2013

Vol en hidroavió! :)

Just abans d'anar a Alaska, en plena pressa per a preparar-ho tot, i deixar-ho tot arreglat abans de marxar, la Bec i en Doug em van fer un regal super xulo!

Em van regalar un val per un vol d'anada en hidroavió a Vancouver Island, la illa que hi ha just davant de Vancouver i Seattle. La ciutat més important de la illa és Victòria, que resulta que és la capital de British Columbia, on hi ha també Vancouver.

No hi havia estat mai, i mai havia volat en hidroavió tampoc! Així que finalment vaig fer un forat a la agenda, i hi vaig anar. A vancouver hi plovia com de costum, i ja pensava que no podria agafar el vol, pero si no ho feia llavors, no hi podria anar. Així que tot i el mal temps em vaig presentar al moll, i vaig tenir la sort que volant vem escapar del mal temps. A Victòria hi feia un dia esplèndid! Ni un núvol hi havia!

Va resultar ser un dia super xulo i inoblidable! I tot gràcies a en Doug i la Bec, dos grans amics australians que em van estar acollint a casa seva tant abans com al tornar d'Alaska! D'es d'aquí, aprofito per dona-l'hi les gràcies de tot cor! I desitjar-ls'hi la millor de les sorts en el viatge a Perú que van començar fa dos o tres dies!


Right before my trip to Alaske, in the middle of the rush to have everything ready, Bec and Doug made me an amazing present!

They gave me a tiket for a flight in seaplane to Vancouver Island, the island right infront the coast of Vancouver and Seattle. The most important city there is Victoria, that is also the Capital of British Columbia where Vancouver is.

I had never been there before, and I had never flight in seaplane either. So finally I set a spot in my tight schedule, and I went there!
In Vancouver was raning, as usual, and I was starting to think that I will not be be able to flight that day. But it was then or never, so I go to the seawall and i took the flight. And the more away we flew from Vancouver, the better the weather was. So in Victoria, I had such a shiny sunny day! Not even a cloud on the sky!

It turned to be such a great experience, and such an unforgoteable day! And all thanks to Doug and Bec, two awsemo australians friends, who also had me in their home before and after my trip to Alaska! From here, I want to thank them for all those days that we spent together! And wish them the best of luck in the new adventure in Peru, where they are right now!