Potser el secret és que no hi ha secret
i aquest camí l'hem fet tantes vegades
que ja ningú no se'n sorprèn; potser
caldria que trenquéssim la rutina
fent algun gest desmesurat, alguna
sublimitat que capgirés la història.
Potser, també, del poc que tenim ara
no sabem fer-ne l'ús que cal; qui sap.
Miquel Martí Pol
A pocs dies de marxar i sabent del cert que trobaré a faltar a mil persones, aquestes mil persones em repeteixen una mateixa pregunta. -Per què a Canadà?- Eus aquí la resposta: -És el meu gest desmesurat.
A cada una de les mil persones, espero que gaudiu de les meves aventures, i així ens sentim més a prop mentre sigui fora.
A cada una de les mil persones, espero que gaudiu de les meves aventures, i així ens sentim més a prop mentre sigui fora.
Moltes gràcies a tots per tot, i sobretot gràcies per ser-hi sempre!
Us estimo molt. No molt, moltíssim.
Fins aviat!
Us estimo molt. No molt, moltíssim.
Fins aviat!
Maybe the secret is that there is no secret
And we did this path so many times
that nobody gets surprised anymore; maybe
we should break the routine
doing something excessive,
any sublimity that would turn the history upside down.
Maybe, also, the few that we have by now
we don't know how to use it properly; who knows.
Miquel Martí Pol
Miquel Martí Pol
Few days from leaving and knowing for sure that I will miss one thousand people; This thousand people always repeat me the same question. -Why Canada?- Here you are the answer: -It's my something excessive.
To everyone of the thousand people, I hope you enjoy my adventures, and that way feel you closer while I'm abroad.
To everyone of the thousand people, I hope you enjoy my adventures, and that way feel you closer while I'm abroad.
Thank you everyone for everything, and specially thank for beeing always here!
I Love you so much. Not so much, so so much!
See you soon!
I Love you so much. Not so much, so so much!
See you soon!
Un brindis pel teu gest desmesurat!!
ResponEliminaCheers pel vostre també!!