Catalans. Catalanes. Ja el tenim aquí!
Finalment ha arribat el sobre del Vot Per Correu! Demà mateix al mati sortirà cap on s'hagi d'enviar!
Sé que el vot hauria de ser secret. A mi no em fa res dir a qui voto, no trobo que m'hagi d'amagar de res. I per poc que em conegueu, ja en deveu tenir-ne una idea... però tot i això farem una mica de campanya electoral! Així aprofitaré el blog per a donar suport a un partit, que al no presentar-se a les últimes eleccions a la generalitat, no té dret a espai televisiu ni radiofònic a les ràdios i televisions públiques catalanes.
Jo voto i demano tenir en consideració de votar a les CUP Candidatura d'Unitat Popular. Són independentistes, d'esquerres, defensen la inversió en l'estat del benestar (Sanitat i educació), s'oposen a la nacionalització del deute privar (als rescats dels Bancs amb diner públic), i defensen una millor repartició de la riquesa (qui tingui més que pagui més impostos). Són aire fresc, gent nova, amb bones idees, energia i ganes canviar les coses! Que prou falta que ens fa!
Sembla ser que als Ajuntaments on governen o tenen representació, n'estan força contents! Són gent del poble, organitzada. No són els botiflers de sempre, ni els retalladors professionals de CIU, ni el PSC escombrant cap a Madrid, ni l'ERC apoltronada al parlament, ni el molt honorable senyor expresident del Barça.
Si teníeu pensat votar alguna opció independentista, d'esquerres i que miri pel poble, considereu aquesta opció. I sinó també! Després feu el que vulgueu, voteu a qui sigui, o no voteu si no us dona la gana, però considereu-la!
Vinga doncs a votar, que tot està per fer i tot és possible!
This is the first post, where I will not traduce literally. Sorry. But I think there is no point in traduce it, I would rather prefer to explain what this is all about to the readers from abroad of Catalonia.
Today I received the letter that allows me to vote by mail in the next Elections for the Catalan Parliament.
They are the next 25th of November. So pay attention to the TV, because I'm pretty sure that our little spot in the map will appear in the news that day.
If you know me, I'm sure that you know what all this is about, because I had told you many times maybe. But if not, let me make a little resume.
The main point is that in Catalonia nowadays we are living an historical moment. After long long years, we are getting closer to something that some years ago was unimaginable. The people is rising their voice in pro of the independence of our country, Catalonia.
There is something like the perfect storm ahead (a lot of different variables that has turned to meet together). And all this variables are the ones that make possible to say that we had never been closer to the independence before.
A resume of some of these variables are:
- Some of us, we are not feeling Spaniards. It is not something that we say to make Spain get angry. It is something that we don't feel. Like a Canadian feel Canadian, and a German feels German, we feel Catalan and we can not feel any other way, that's all.
- Catalan people wants to talk freely in Catalan (our mother tongue), as we had always tried to do.
- Catalan Language had always been attacked from the governs of Spain in Madrid, even before from Franco's times. Maybe for ignorance, political reasons, and because they can not understand why the hell we are not talking in Spanish (even if everyone in Catalonia knows and is able to speak in Spanish).
- In September the 11th of 2014, it will be the 300 anniversary of the defeat of Barcelona in front of the king Felip V troups, the first Bourbon. So it will be the anniversary of 300 years of oppression against Catalan culture. I must say that most of the Catalan people are against the Spanish monarchy.
- After Franco's Dictatorship, we had arrived and Agreement (Constitution) between all the parts of Spain, in order to live "free" and in peace. This agreement, our constitution, hadn't been revised since after Franco's death. And nowadays, it is obsolete, and Spanish government only interpret it the way they want, to warn and to scare all the possible reformists, and separatists.
- Spanish parties, and also the Government, had been wining votes dividing the society, and criticizing Catalan people, Basc people, and any other that hadn't follow their ideas. We had reach a level of intolerance, insults and humiliations that we can not stand anymore.
- The economic crisis had put the focus into the money that Spain has stolen from Catalonia every year from ages. We pay our taxes to Spanish Government, who has to return part of it to our Regional Government and use another part for general inversions.
For some decades, we paid our taxes, but the Spanish Goverment hadn't made the proper investments in our services. We had never been paid back the amount of money that we was supposed to receive. We are not talking about only some thousand euros, we are talking about billions.
- With the economic crisis, Spanish Goverment (like in many other countries in Europe) has the perfect excuse for cutting the invest in the public sectors, like Education and Sanity (the most important cuts, but not the only ones). They are privatizing all the public services, instead of cutting their salaries, increasing the taxes to the big fortunes of the country, and persecute the tax evasion.
- The only thing that they are making public is the debt of the Banks, that has to be paid with public money. Why has to be paid by our money! Why we don't let the banks broke? Why they had never distribute the benefits with the people, and now we have to share their debts? Why we have to pay their bad management? And why we are poor while they are still rich, and no one goes to jail?
I am not saying that with the independence, we won't have crisis. We will still have crisis, but we will manage our own money and pay for our own errors. Not the errors imposed from Madrid.
And it is a fact, that the smaller countries and economies are more likely to self-manage better, and face the changes needed to get out of the crisis.
We the Catalans had been and will always be a peaceful, democratic, and tolerant country inside of Europe. We don't want any confrontation or problems with anyone. The only thing that we are asking for is, to be asked about what do we want to do with our future. And this is one of the things that Spain is denying us.
Next November the 25th, Catalan people is asked to vote the people that will represent them for the next 4 years. And something more important, with this elections we are choosing also witch way we want to follow as a country. Because if Spain don't allows a Referendum about Independence, we can vote a Government that don't care about what Spain wants or doesn't want.
They are not going to make us shut up. They can not be against of a democratic and popular movement. So next November the 25th Catalans will talk!
Sorry about all this long text. But this is also a part of me, and I wanted to share it.
Thanks for reading,