Ja no hauria d'haver fet Batxillerat, hauria d'haver acabat la ESO inextremis, saltar-me la formació professional i anar directament a un restaurant per aprendre l'ofici!
Un missatge, a tots els menors que llegiu això! Traieu-vos la ESO com pogueu i ni us plantegeu seguir estudiant, tots a rentar plats que mola! Total de què et serveix Batxillerat, per a pillar el sarcasme, la ironia i la hipèrbole d'aquest post. Doncs ja veus! jajaja
No ara en serio! Estic molt content! No estic fent vídeos, però tot arribarà! I la veritat, és que no pensava que ho acabés disfrutant i tot! No negaré que la feina és durilla, i a vegades desagradable... Però m'està servint per a treure'm manies de sobre, conèixer gent, i espavilar-me a treballar molt i depresa! Tot aixó sense tenir en compte les practiques d'anglès, i la pasta que em guanyaré...
Reconec que al principi del primer dia vaig pensar: - Buf no sé quan duraré aquí! - i la incògnita segueix a l'aire... Xo veig molt factible estar-hi tranquil·lament el temps que faci falta...
Avui m'han donat un llibret explicant la feina del Rentaplats, i hi ha algunes fotos, a veure si les puc penjar demà d'alguna manera per a que us feu una idea de com és el lloc i la feina en general!
Doncs res, me'n vaig a dormir que torna a ser tard, he treballat de 7 a 2:30 i he arribat a casa vora les 4 de la matinada... I què he fet? Doncs de cap a l'ordinador, clar que sí!
De fet pensava que havia quedat ara per a fer un Skype, peró anava mal fixat! Em vaig centrar tant a calcular les hores que ens portàvem de diferència, que em vaig descuidar de tenir en compte el dia que havíem quedat... jajajajaj
Doncs res! Només era això, donar senyals de vida, dir-vos que la feina va bé, i que estic molt content!
Una abraçada a tots i totes! I fins aviat!
Mom, Dad I'm so sorry about the money that I made you waste in my Fine Arts Degree, but I had finally discovered my real vocation. I want to be Dishwasher!I should better hadn't done my high school, I should better stop studying as soon as I got the chance, and go straight to a restaurant to learn the job!
A message to all the young people that would read this! Quit studies as soon as you can and go to clean dishes that it's cool! At the end what did I learn after high school, only to be able to distinguish the sarcasm, the irony and the hyperbole of this post! So what! jajajajaja
Ok, now seriously! I'm so happy! I am not making videos, but everything will come in the due time! And the truth is that I'd never thought that I could really enjoy this job! I won't deny that the job is hard, and some times disgusting... But it is helping me to get rid of some manias, knowing people, and get used to work a lot and fast! Without taking in consideration also the English and the money that I will get...
It is true that at the beginning of the first day, I thought: -I don't know how much I will last doing this job! - And the mystery is still in the air... But I'm not afraid about working there as much as I it's needed!
Today I had given a book telling everything about the Dishwasher's job, and there are some pictures on it. I will try to put some here so you canknow how is the place and my job in general!
OK, I'm going to sleep that it's so late, I had worked from 7 to 2:30 and I had arrived at home at four o'clock in the morning... What is the first thing I did? To switch on the computer!
Actually I thought that I had an appointment by Skype at 5:00 but I was wrong! I was worried calculating the hours of difference between Barcelona and Vancouver that I hadn't pay attention about the day of the appointment... jejeje
That's all! I was only willing to give proves of live, told you that the job is going well, and that I am very happy!
Hughs and kisses! See you soon!
Quina felicitat desprèn el teu blog!! M'encanta! =)
ResponEliminaUn petó ben gran als dos!!!
Moltes gràcies Arola! M'alegro k t'agradi!! =)
EliminaUn abraçada ben grossa!