Ja queda només l'últim dia i mig a explicar... Però no creieu que hi ha poc a explicar!
El penúltim dia el vam dedicar a passejar per NY i aprofitar per a visitar quatre coses més que ens quedaven pendents. Una d'elles el High Line, un passeig elevat fet aprofitant les antigues vies de tren que passaven per allà.
Una altra cosa que quedava pendent era visitar la Zona Zero. L'aigua del memorial estava glaçada i glaçats ens vam quedar de lo impressionant que era recordar i imaginar el que va passar allà l'11 de Setembre de 2001. "Gallina de piel".
En acabat i per a fer passar el mal rollo, vam anar xino xano cap a Chinatown on vam dinar en un petit local, diga-li restaurant diga-li armari. On, això sí, feien uns dumplings boníssims!
En acabat, també caminant caminant vam arribar a Little Italy, el barri italià. Allà buscàvem un lloc on fer un café i resguardar-nos del fred que feia, que era considerable... Total que vam anar a parar a la cafeteria d'un centre d'art modern. On de cop i volta, mentre estava a la cua per a pagar, va i entra la Yoko Ono amb el seu ajudant i es posen a prendre algo a dues taules de nosaltres! Jo gesticulant super dissimulat a la Sabina: "Yoko Ono" dient-li k mirés cap allà. I la Sabina:"What the fuck?¿ Què?¿..." I al cap de res la va veure i vam flipar junts un rato! XD
La Sabina li va demanar de fer-nos una foto, que hauria penjat aquí, però ella va declinar molt amablement, tot dient-li a la Sabina: "Oh, no sorry darling..." com si fos la seva neta! Moníssissima! jajajaja
Així k no no hi ha proves de la trobada i us ho haureu de creure...jejejeje
I per si no hagués sigut prou sorpresa trobar-nos a la Yoko, al sortir al carrer ens vam trobar tot Nova York enfarinat! Havia estat nevant mentre estàvem a la cafeteria i ni ens n'havíem adonat!
Tot i la neu i el fred, ens quedava per a creuar el Pont de Brooklyn. I com que la neu no ens arribava al coll encara el vam anar a creuar! Espectacular!
I després per a no fer més severa la hipotèrmia, vam anar tirant cap a casa ja.
El dia següent ja no va donar temps de fer massa cosa més! Em vaig despedir amb l'Ares, d'hora al matí quan ella marxava a treballar.
I com que el meu vol sortia a primera hora de la tarda, vam pensar d'anar a veure el Guggenheim al matí. Va resultar estar més lluny del que pensàvem, així k vam anar tant ràpid que no em vaig enrecordar-me ni de treure la càmera! XD
Tot tornant, des del metro vaig fer la última mirada enrere de Manhattan, i a córrer a fer la motxilla.
Al metro ens vam despedir amb la Sabina. I tot i que vaig sortir amb prou temps, al final vaig haver de còrrer. El metro va tardar, el tren de l'aeroport va ser més llarg del que recordava, per sort al final vaig poder embarcar a temps! jajajaja
Els vols de tornada van ser llargs, però els tenia molt seguits així k no es van fer tant pesats com a l'anada.
A part vaig tenir la sort de conèixer a en Kurt, un novaiorquès que vivia a Phoenix, Arizona amb qui vam anar xerrant i arreglant el mon durant tot el primer vol. Sempre és més entretingut el vol si hi fas amics!
Un cop a Seattle, vaig passar una llarga nit a l'Aeroport on vaig matar el temps, dormint, escrivint les postals que no havia tingut temps d'enviar encara i xerrant amb altres viatgers en la mateixa situació que jo.
Total que cap al migdia del dia següent ja vaig arribar a Vancouver, vaig passar pel restaurant per veure quin horari tenia l'endemà. I cap a casa a descansar!
Com heu vist, van ser uns grans dies els que vam passar a Nova York! :)
Finally, after some time of coming back to Vancouver. With Ares and Sabina in
Catalonia, and me reinstalled in the Canadian routine again. Here it comes the
last and final volume of the trilogy! hahaha
There is only one day and a half, left to be told. But it won’t be as short…
We spend the second to last day walking all along NY visiting the
last things that I hadn’t seen yet. One of those things was the High Line,
a promenade build higher than the streets’ level taking advantage from an old
Another thing that I couldn’t see yet was the Memorial of the World
Trade Centre. The water of the memorial was frozen, as frozen as we were while
we was thinking and remembering about what happened there on September 11th
of 2001.
Once seen, and to get rid of those feelings we went walking to
Chinatown, where we had lunch in a very tiny place where we had some great
After lunch we walked to Little Italy, the Italian neighbourhood. We
were looking for a place to take a coffee and get warmer because it was really
cold outside… So we entered to the coffee shop of a modern art centre, where
suddenly entered Yoko Ono to take a coffee two tables away from us!! I told
Sabina gesticulating as a mad, and Sabina was like: “What the fuck?¿ What’s wrong
with him?¿” But then she saw her and we spend a while talking about her!
Sabina asked her if it was possible to take a picture with her while she was leaving, but Yoko told her not, so politely. She said: “Oh, I’m sorry darling…” So sweet! hehehe
Sabina asked her if it was possible to take a picture with her while she was leaving, but Yoko told her not, so politely. She said: “Oh, I’m sorry darling…” So sweet! hehehe
As you can see, there are not evidences of the meeting, so you would
have to believe me…
If it was not enough surprise to meet Yoko Ono, when we went out to
the street we found the whole New York snowed! It had been snowing while we
were inside and no one noticed before!
Even with the snow and the cold, we still had to cross Brooklyn Bridge. So
the snow was not reaching yet our necks, we went to cross it! Amazing!
Just after it, for not catching the biggest cold ever, we went
Next day there was no time for many things. I said goodbye to Ares
before she went to work early in the morning.
And as my flight was taking off soon at the afternoon, we decided to
go to visit the Guggenheim museum at morning. It turned out to be farer than we thought, so
we had to run so fast that I completely forget about taking any picture.
Coming back home, into the subway I looked back one last time to
Manhattan, and go to put all my things together.
Once in the subway again, we said goodbye with Sabina and I headed
John Fitzgerald Kennedy’s Airport again. I had time enough, but the subway took
its time to arrive and then the airport’s train took longer than I remembered.
So at the end I had to run, but I took the flight on time!
The flights were long, but I had them very close so it was not so tiring as when I came.
The flights were long, but I had them very close so it was not so tiring as when I came.
Also, I was very lucky because I met Kurt, a new yorker that was living in
Phoenics, Arizona with who I spend all the first flight chatting and putting
the world in order! It is always good making friends on the flights!
Once in Seattle, I spent a long night at the airport where I killed
the time sleeping, writing the postcards that I could not send before, and
chatting with people in the same situation than me!
At the end, I finally got to Vancouver. I went for a second to the
restaurant to check the schedule for next day, and I headed home to rest!
As you can see, we spent such great days there! :)
As you can see, we spent such great days there! :)
The end
ResponEliminaQuina passada de viatge! I amb aquest super reportatge fotogràfic (que d'allò més fa venir ganes de visitar la ciutat..) de ben segur que en tindràs un millor record encara! :)
Me n'alegro molt de que estigui anant tant bé l'aventura per les amèriques(no pateixis per la fenia, que el temps vola i segur que trobes altres bones maneres de passar-t'ho bé com fins ara!), aviam si puc escriure't un dia d'aquests tranquil·lament!(perdona el retard..;p)
EliminaHem de fer un Skype ja!! Ens hem de posar al dia k fa mil k no sé res de tu i viceversa suposo (tot i el blog)!!! :S
A veure si coincidim algun dia!
Espero k tot et vagi de conya!
Una abraçada ben forta i fins ben aviat!
Yoko Onooooooo!! Artista Conceptual que se casó en el estrecho de Gibraltar, amante de las performance sinsentido y abuela majuna!!! ;)
ResponEliminaT'has deixat la dada més important de la seva biografia! Es va prendre una xocolata calenta al nostre costat! I això no ho fa qualsevol, eh! ;)