Fa tres dies que vam fer cinc mesos a Canadà. I en deu fer uns quinze
que no actualitzava el blog... Potser ja ho heu notat...
aquests darrers 15 dies han passat moltes coses, però no he trobat el
moment d'actualitzar. A vegades no tinc temps, a vegades tinc temps però
estic cansat, a vegades fa mandra o simplement me'n oblido. Així k avui
tinc moltes coses a explicar!
Primer de tot va ser EL MEU
Moltes gràcies a tothom, vaig intentar respondre tots els
missatges, però si me'n he deixat algun o se m'ha traspaperat o el tinc
pendent encara! Així k ho sento! ;)
Va ser un dia molt, molt feliç!
Vaig començar-lo a casa mig adormit quan el Jordi em va fer un regal només llevar-me!
Després havíem quedat per a fer un skype amb la family! Mireu quin nivell d'Skype! Amb pastís, àlbum de fotos i tot!
A l'altre banda de la pantalla, estava jo amb quatre mufins de xocolata i 25 espelmes, sorpresa de'n Jordi! :)
Més tard a la feina, pensava que seria una nit tranquileta però va començar a córrer la notícia, i tothom em va felicitar. Fins i tot a "l'speach" que fa el xef al començar el torn de nit els hi va dir a tothom k avui era el meu aniversari i k em cuidessin molt! jejejeje
A un determinat punt de la nit, és tradició fer un petit "ritu d'iniciació" amb tothom de la cuina + cambreres i cambreres, a qui fa anys, algo molt americà digne de les típiques fraternitats Alfa Omega de les películes! XD No donarem més detalls però molt divertit! :D
I un cop passat el tràngol, quan ja pensava k ja estava tot, van entrar uns quants cambrers i cambreres amb un pastís de xocolata boníssim cantant-me Happy Birthday! Tota una sorpresa!
I finalment al acabar el torn, ens en vam anar a fer unes birres per acabar de celebrar-ho amb els que tancàvem el restaurant aquella nit.
Així doncs ja veieu que va ser un gran dia! A part també he de dir k vaig rebre moltes felicitatcions i records de tothom, estiguessin a Barcelona, Itàlia, Irlanda, Londres, o on fos! I fins i tot una trucada de l'Aivan des de Toronto! :)
Moltes gràcies a tots! Sou un sol! :D
Més coses! TENIM NOU COMPANY DE PIS!!!! Ara som tres!! El trio calavera! XD

És en Mario, un noi de Santander que vam conèixer tot just arribar, en un Barça-Madrid que vam anar a vore!
El recordareu d'altres aventures com el Home Picnic o una de les excursions que vam fer al cap de poc de ser aqui!
Ha estat una gran incorporació a l'equip, i ser tres al pis és més divertit!
Mario, si lees esto: - Bienvenido! XD (És que ara parlem en castellanu al pis sabeu...) jejeje
Estava mirant fotos "antigues" com aquesta, i em veig raríssim amb el cabell curt! XD
Més coses, més coses! Va ser l'ANIVERSARI DE'N JORDI també!
Vam aprofitar per a fer un bon sopar pre-aniversari amb tot d'amics, després el dia de l'aniversari vam anar a fer unes birres amb l'Albert, en Patrick i en Mario! I al tornar a casa tenia un brioix amb 26 espelmes esperant-lo!
Vaig fer-lo jo el pastís! Era fàcil i tot anava molt bé fins que vaig haver d'anar a treballar (al meu dia lliure) per que m'havien trucat si els hi podia anar a donar un cop de mà.
Al marxar encara no estava acabat de coure, li devien quedar uns 5 o 10 minutets més, total k al apagar el forn i treure'l tota la part del mig es va esfondrar! :S I va quedar una mica cru... Al dia següent el vam tornar a posar una mica més per acabar-lo de fer almenys, però ja no hi havia solució! jajajajaja
I crec que això, és tot de moment! A veure si torno a pillar una mica més de constància en això d'actualitzar el blog... Sinó doncs d'aquí a quinze dies us segueixo informant! jajajajaja
Una abraçada ben forta! I fins aviat!
Last March the 4th, it was our 5th month in Vancouver. And now it's about 15 days that I hadn't updated the blog... Maybe you noticed...
In the last 15 days happened many things, but I could not find the moment to tell you! Sometimes I have no time, other times I am tired, sometimes I'm lazy or it is simply that I forget to update. So today there are plenty of things to explain!
First of all it had been MY 25TH BIRTHDAY!
Thanks a lot to everyone!! I tried to answer all the messages, but if I hadn't answered yours it's because I missed it between all the others, or because it is still in the list of things to do... Sorry! ;)
It was such a wonderful day! I started at home still asleep when Jordi gave me his present moments after waking up! Later I had an appointment with my family on skype! It was such a great meeting, with cake, family album, and everything! :)
On the other side of the screen, there was me some chocolate muffins and 25 candles, a surprise from Jordi! :)
Later at work, I thought it would be a calm night but little by little everyone knew that it was my birthday. Even at the night cheff's speach at the beggining of the shift, he told everyone that it was my birthday so they had to treat me even better than normally! :)
In a random moment of the night, it is a tradition to make something similar an initiation, in a very american way that remember me the fraternities of the american universities seen in movies! I won't gave more details but it was so funny! :D
Once done, I thought that that would be all, but it was not! At some moment I hear that some waitress and waiters start to sing happy birthday, and then they came with a gorgeous chocolate cake! Such a surprise!
And finally, once we finsihed the shift, to end the celebration we went for some pints with the ones that were closing the restaurant that night.
As you can see, it was such a great day! I also have to add that I received a lot of mails and greetings from everyone, no matter they where in Barcelona, Itally, Ireland, London or wherever! And also a call from Aivan in Toronto! :)
Thank you everyone! You are the best! :)
More things! WE HAVE NEW ROOMMATE AT THE FLAT!! Now we are three!
He is Mario, a guy from Santander (northern Spain) who we met at the very beginning of being in Canada, in a Barça-Madrid match!
You will remember him from other adventures on the blog like the Home Picnic, or one of the excursions that we did at the very beggining of being here!
He had been a great incorporation at the team! And being three at the flat is funnier!
So, welcome Mario!! ;)
By the way, I was looking "ancient" pictures like this one, and I see myself so weird with short hair! XD
More stuff, more stuff! It was also JORDI'S BIRTHDAY!!
We took advantage to do a great dinner pre-birthday with some friends, then the 4th we went to have some drinks with Albert, Patrick and Mario! And caming back home, he had a sponge cake with 26 candles waiting for him!
I did the cake! It was easy, and everything was going smoothly until I had to leave to work (in my day off) because they called me from the restaurant to see if I could go and help them for a while.
At the moment I was leaving the cake was not done yet, maybe it would had needed 5 or 10 more minuts at the oven.
So when shutting down the oven and taking the cake out of it, it just collapsed! :S It still was a little bit raw...
Next day I put it again in the oven, but the damage was already done, and there was no hope for the cake! jajajajaja Anyway It tasted good and we are still eating it! :)
And I think that's all by now! I will try to became constant again updating my blog... But I can not promise anything... If I can't, I will keep updating in the next 15 days! ;)
A big hugh and see you soon!