Així que me'n he anat a esquiar pensant que ja el celebraríem al tornar!
Anant cap a pillar l'Skytrain, m'he trobat a en Jordi que venia de córrer 30 km abans dànar a treballar, el molt boig! Era part de l'entrenament que fa de cara a les maratons de Vancouver i Sant Francisco que farà amb l'Albert.
Com veieu els dos anàvem vestits per l'ocasió! Tots dos de verd!
Al agafar el ferri que porta a Nord Vancouver, estava ple de gent que venia de la rua de Sant Patrick amb coses verdes o irlandeses! Ha estat curiós veure com la gent celebra una festa que no és ni del seu país, i s'hi bolca de ple!

El tiu té un nivellàs! Quina enveja!! Jo poc a poc vaig aprenent-ne d'això d'esquiar, i he notat millora des de que vaig arribar. Però després et ve el Mario, i et sents com quan vas veure la Natalie i en Darcy esquiar per primera vegada... jajajajaja
Però ja va bé! Que així em foten canya i entre tots em fan de mestres de manera que a poc a poc vaig millorant! :)
Aquesta vegada ens ha fet molt bon dia! I amb previsió m'he endut la càmera! Així que avui ha tocat sessió de fotos fent el cabra! XD Aqui en teniu una petita mostra!
Al final ens hem estat esperant per a veure la posta de sol que prometia ser espectacular, però hem hagut de marxar per que sinó perdíem el bus i ens havíem d'esperar dues hores més!
Total que hem estat esquiant fins les 7:29 i a i trenta sortia el bus. Que l'hem pillat pels pels!
Al tornar cap a casa, me'n he recordat de Saint Patrick un altre cop. Però ja estava massa cansat per a improvisar cap pla.
Així que he passat per un Licore Store, he comprat un pack de Guinness. I me'n he pres una mentre actualitzava el blog, a la salut de tots els qui vaig conèixer a Irlanda!! Us trobo a faltar!!
Sláinte!! :)
I aquest ha sigut el meu Saint Patrick's day particular.
Today it was Saint Patrick's Day! I had never lived it in Ireland (not yet), but today I wanted to celebrate it in Canada! But I had a dilemma. I also wanted to go to ski with Mario!
So i went to ski thinking in celebrating it when we came back!
Going to skytrain I met Jordi, who is crazy and had run 30 km before going to work. He is training for the marathons of Vancouver and San Francisco, that he will run with Albert.
As you can appreciate both of us were ready for St Patrick's day! Both dressed in green!
Taking the ferry to North Vancouver, everyone was coming from the parade, dressing green and Irish things. It was curious to see so many people here celebrating a party that is not from their country.
Once I got to Cypress, I met Mario who was dressed with the working uniform. He is working as a speed control there. So he finished and then we start to ski freely!
He is so professional! I felt envy!! Little by little I am learning more and more to ski, and I felt a big improvement from the beggining. But then I saw Mario skiing, and well... I have no words... It was like seeing Natalie and Darcy skiing the first time we saw them... hahaha
But that's always good! That way, they make me put more effort on it, and they can keep teaching me things so I can improve step by step. ;)
Today it was so sunny!! So I took the camera with me! So you will see some of the pictures jumping around like crazies! XD
Finally, we had been waiting to see the sunset that seemed that would be spectacular, but we had to leave for not loosing the bus and wait two more hours.
So we had been skiing until 7:29 PM and the bus was leaving at 7:30. We were lucky to took it!
Coming back home, I remembered about Saint Patrick's day but I was too tired to improvise a plan. So I stop in a Liquor Store, I bought a pack of Guinness. And I took one while updating the blog! Cheers to everyone I met in Ireland! I miss you!!
Sláinte!!! :)
And that was my Saint Patrick's day!
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