M'havia proposat de fer la maleta dimecres, anar recollint coses i netejant amb la calma. Però cada dia al tornar de la feina queia al sofà i m'hi quedava mort. Així que ho hem anat posposant fins que avui dissabte ja ens hi hem hagut de posar!
M'he llevat d'hora, cap a les 7:30 i després d'esmorzar ja he començat a empaquetar tot! Tenia muntat un bon sarau, però poc a poc ja ho he anat tenint tot en ordre. I ara ja esta tot empaquetat, la casa neta, i casi a punt per a començar, demà al matí, a fer viatges cap a la nova casa.
Mentre ho recollia tot, he estat seguint per internet el Concert per la Llibertat. Un concert més llarg que un dia sense pa, però amb tanta i tanta gent, i tant bon ambient que sembla que això ja ho tenim a tocar. 90000 persones omplint el Camp Nou. Impressionant! I molt orgullós del meu petit país!
I això és tot per avui, el pròxim post des de la casa nova! ;)
This week was the last before holidays, and it had been long and stressful. We had to finish a lot of projects before leaving, so you can imagine.
I had in mind to start packing everything on Wednesday, but by the time I arrived home after work I only was able to fall on the sofa and die. So I had been posponing that moment until today that was the last day before the moving.
I wake up early, at half past seven, and after breackfast I started packing, cleaning and putting things in order. And by now, our home is clean, and everything is ready for the trip to the new home!
While I was packing, I was listening in live by internet a huge concert that took place today in Barcelona. 90.000 people went to the Football Club Barcelona's Stadium to celebrate a concert that was a claim in pro of Freedom. And also a claim about our right to decide about our future as a country, and the opportunity of making a democratic referendum to decide if we, the Catalans, want or not to be a free country in the future.
Now a days Spanish Government, is totally against this democratic right to ask the people about this question. And they are taking advantage of the global crisis to centralize again all the competencies that all the Spanish regions where ruling. And also putting more pressure in some strategic sectors like education, sanity, and many other public and cultural sectors vitals for our survival as a country and as human beings.
299 years ago we lost a battle against the Spaniards, we had suffered 299 years of oppression where our language had been banned and persecuted many times through history, where our culture had been ignored and trampled, and our economy plundered.
That's the reason why on 2014, after 300 years, we are willing to ask pacifically and democratically, if it is worth or not to keep being part of a country that doesn't understand us, doesn't support us, and want to impose their Spanish culture.
Today we wanted to show to Madrid Government, and to the World that we are here, and we want our tiny spot in the map to keep existing and living in peace and in Catalan (our mother tongue) in a progressive country full of liberties, where everyone will be welcome.
So let me just add three more words. Freedom for Catalonia!
(Today the translation doesn't match 100% the Catalan post of the blog. But they already know about that, and I wanted to share all this information with you. I think is important.)
Thank you.