També he aprofitat per a fer un skype amb mons pares, i ens hi hem recreat! De fet estaven endreçant la caixa de les fotografies i me'n han estat ensenyant un munt! Han sortit joies com aquestes!
(Que no se'n enterin mons pares que he penjat això k bueno... em maten! XD Guardeu-me el secret, eh! jajajaja)
Però k coi! Tots tenim passat no?¿ Doncs ja està!
Today was weekend, it was cloudy, and I had not many plans to do, so I stood at home resting and doing nothing.
I also took advantage to skype with my parents, and we took our time! Actually, they where putting in order our box of pictures, and we had being taking a look to some of them! There were such wonderful pieces like this ones!
(Don't let my parents know that I uploaded all this, because if they find out... well... they kill me! LOL Keep this secret for me please!)
But well... All we had a passat, hadn't we? So who cares!
ostreeees! quins records!! :)
ResponEliminasempre és guai revisar fotos i recordar coses!
gràcies per cada moment!!
Miss you sister!! :)