A Besançon, aquesta ha sigut la primera clariana que veiem en 3 o 4 dies. Hem passat uns quants dies molls, on hem fet en total uns 90km sota pluja constant. Hem rentat i assecat la roba 3 vegades, i hem empapat un total de 6 mudes...
Han sigut dies bastant durs, els ànims havíen minvat una mica i hem estat a un trist de caure malalts. Però avui ha tornat a sortir el sol i amb ell han tornat tot a la normalitat.
Bé, normalitat normalitat... avui hem fet 120km aprox. Suposo que es noten ja les ganes d'arribar a Suïssa. Hi estem a un tir de pedra, demà a la tarda si tot va bé ens hi plantem!
A Basilea ja ens trobarem amb mons pares i ma germana, i aprofitarem per a passar uns dies de vacances en família! :)
In Besançon, France, this had been the first time we saw a bit of blue sky for the last 3 or 4 days. We spent some days soaked, and we did about 90km under heavy rain. We washed and dryied the clothes 3 times, and we got 6 pants and t-shirts wet.
It had been tough this last days, we were starting to feel low, and we almost got sick. But today the sun had shine again! And with it, things got as it used to be.
Well not exactly as it used to be, because we did 120km today, and that's not really normal... I suppose that we felt the anciety of getting to Switzerland soon. We are so close! Tomorrow afternoon, if everything is fine, we should be in Basilea!
There we will meet my parents and my sister! And we are going to spend some time together!
Can't wait! :)