Demà si tot va bé encetarem l'últim mapa francès! Ens queden poques etapes ja abans d'arribar a Suïssa. Però les que ens queden seràn llargues, i sembla ser que el temps no acompanyarà massa...
Avui sense anar més lluny havíem de fer 100km, que s'han convertit en uns 70, dels quals potser 50 han sigut sota una pluja constant i a ratos bastant forta.
Encara sort que les alforges impermeables han mantingut la roba seca, i gràcies a això hem pogut entrar en calor després d'una dutxa d'aigua calenta al B&B que ens hem vist obligats a passar la nit. Avui no hi havia qui plantés la tenda...
Per altra banda, i sentint-ho molt, hem tingut una baixa a l'equip. La Carme ens va agafar el tren cap a Barcelona ahir de bon matí, de fet crec que avui ja treballava... Carme!! Ja et trobem a faltar!!! ;)
I res, ara a acabar de fer uns quants km més si el temps ens deixa i d'aquí a poc ja ens trobarem amb la family a Basilea! Llavors ja vorem quans km fem al dia... hahaha
Per cert, avui hem passat els 1000 km. Ja en portem 1049km (segons el meu contaquilòmetres, k a saber si és massa fiable.) Però 100 amunt 100 abaix, n'hem fet un munt ja! hahaha
If everything is fine, tomorrow we will start with the last French map! We still have few stages to get into Switzerland. And they will be long and wet, because seems that it will rain next days...
Actually today, we paned to ride for 100km, but it ended being only 70, which about 50 had been under a constant shower and even strong rain at some point.
If it wasn't for the bags, that kept all the cloth dry now we would had had a problem. But luckily, we got warm after a shower in a B&B that we had to pay to spend the night, because today was impossible to plant a tent.
Changing of topic, and feeling sorry about that, we lost a member of the team. Carme left us early in the morning yesterday. She was supposed to catch the first train because today she had to work... We will miss you Carme!
And well... now we still have some km to run, and in few days I'll meet my family in Basilea to spend some days together. We will see how many km we do with them! hahaha
Finally, today we overpast the 1000km. We did about 1049 km (taking this info from the counter of my bike, which may be not the most acurated mesuring tool... But well, 100 up or 100 down, one thing is for sure, we did a bunch full of km! hahaha
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