divendres, 22 d’agost del 2014

Final de trajecte!

Despres de uns 2830 km per 6 paisos diferents, ja hem arribat a Budapest amb el trio calabera!

Vam arribar al camping ahir a les 2 de la matinada, tota una odisea ja us explicaré. I avui ha sigut dia tranquil i de relax per a veure la ciutat, trobar-me amb una amiga Hungara, l'Anna una ex-estudiant que havia vingut a Belles Arts d'Erasmus fa uns anys ja!

I també he aprofitat per a buscar alternatives per a tornar a casa. Trens fins a Italia per a veure alguns amics mes + Ferri fins a Barna. Interrail o avio directes a Barcelona si el pla italia no prospera.

Ja vorem, encara no tinc dia d'arribada, pero una cosa esta clara, el viatge en bici ha estat assolit, i ha sigut un exit rotund! Aprofito per a animar a qualsevol que es vulgui apuntar al proxim! ;)

De moment aixo es tot! Intentare actualitzar aviat amb alguna foto de la festa de final de trajecte d'aquesta nit! (o potser no depen de com siguin les fotos) ;)

Fins aviat!

Estic escribint amb un teclat Hungar, on no trobo els accents. Sento les faltes d'ortografia, aquesta vegada ha estat bastant mes caotic poder actualitzar el blog…


After more than 2800 km across 6 countries, we had finally arrived to Budapest!

We arrived at the campsite yesterday at about 2AM, such a big odyssey. And today it was a relaxing day visiting the city, meeting with Anna a good friend from Budapest that came some years ago as an Erasmus Student to Barcelona. And finally checking a way out, to come back home. Maybe through Italy to meet some more friends, or maybe by train or flight strait to Barcelona, if the first plan fails. We will see!

I can not tell an exact day yet, but I will be soon in Barcelona again! The only thing I can tell for sure, is that the trip had been such a succeed! It had been such an amazing experience, and I would like to invite anyone to join me to the next one! (Don't know where, and don't knows when…) ;)

By now, that's all I can tell! I will try to update with more info and maybe some pictures of the Final of the trip Party of tonight! (or maybe not, depends on the kind of pictures we will take…) hehehe

See you soon!

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