La setmana que ve promet ser durilla, així k aquests 4 dies m'aniran de perles!
Per començar a aprofitar-los, diumenge potser me'n vaig a esquiar!!
Com que la vida son 4 dies i a saber quan tornaré al Canadà, m'he tret un passe de temporada per les pistes d'ski de Cypress!! (a North Vancouver)
El penso aprofitar al màxim!! Em passaré l'hivern o al restaurant o a les pistes, a casa ni m'hi trobareu! jejeje
Ja us penjaré alguna foto aviat de la primera skiada de la temporada!! (si el temps ho permet);)
Una abraçada!
I am officially on holidays! I had a change in my schedule, and I got 4 days off!
Next week seems that will be really intense, so those 4 days will be really good to get ready!
As starting, maybe that Sunday I will go to sky!
As life is short, and I won't be forever in Canada, I took a season pass for skiing on Cypress Mountain in North Vancouver!
I will use it as much as possible! This winter I will be or at the restaurant or at Cypress! I won't be at home anymore! jejeje
I will post some pictures soon from the first ski descent of the season! (If the weather is not too bad)
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