1a enfarinada / First snowfall |
Ahir va nevar una mica, lo mínim per a il·lusionar els nens i col·lapsar una mica la ciutat. Com vaig dir al post anterior, hi havia el transit mig col·lapsat, un bus casi estampat contra un mur d'una casa i l'Skytrain a rebentar de gent.
Així estava ahir el nostre barri a primera hora del matí.
La neva d'ahir / Yestaerday's snowfall |
I avui al llevar-nos ens hem trobat el barri així!
La nevada d'avui!! / Today's snowfall!! |
Demà ja tornaré a penjar algun post explicant com ha sigut la epopeia d'anar i tornar de la feina aquesta tarda! M'enduré la càmera per a ensenyar-vos com està de nevat el barri i potser Downtown també.
It's been for two days that we wake up with a snowy neighborhood. It had snowed another day, but now seems so little snow that I don't know if its worth mention it...
Yesterday it snowed a little bit, just the necessary to make children happy and collapse a little bit the city. As I told in the last post, there was traffic jam, a bus almost crashed into a wall, and the Skytrain crowded.
Here a pictures of our neighborhood yesterday at first hour in the morning. (the blueish one)
When we came back home, there was only snow at places that hadn't been stepped.
And today, when we wake up we found our garden like this!
We hadn't went out of home by now today... If yesterday it was that messy the streets, I don't want to know how it would be today that it has snowed the double and keeps snowing hard.
Tomorrow, I will write another post again, showing how it was my trip to work this afternoon! I'll bring the camera with me so you can see more pictures of the neighborhood and downtown (maybe also snowy).
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