Al voler fer el sopar se'ns va plantejar un problema: 14 persones, 3 cadires i 1 butaca. No sortien els càlculs! Així k vam buscar alternatives i vam decidir fer el primer Home Picnic de la història!
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La invitació! |
Aquest n'ha sigut el resultat!
Pa amb tomàquet i embotits, truites de patates, de carbassó, humus, torrades de brie amb melmelada, nachos,.. |
En Ben, en Dan i en Jordi |
En Mario |
L'Albert i en Jordi |
En Cèsar! (Només em faltava el raïm i criats ventant-me) :D |
A més a més, ara tenim menjar per una setmana! La nostra nevera mai havia fet tant goig! jejeje
Today we had a dinner at home where we were supposed to be 14 people inside our flat.
Unfortunately we had some people that could not come at the last moment, but we had a great night anyway!
When we thought about the dinner, we find a little problem: 14 people, 3 chairs and 1 sofa. The maths were not clear at all... So we look for alternatives and we find out a solution, we would make the first Home Picnic ever!
The idea was simple, we had no chairs but we had mattresses! So problem solved!
And on the picture you can see what the result was!
At the end, we had such a good night with great people! And we didn't miss the chairs at all!
In addition, now we have food for a week! Our fridge never looked so full before! jejeje
Ei té molt bona pinta tot aixo!! :)
ResponEliminaVols un tros de truita, o pa emb tomàquet? En tenim la nevera plena encara! XD
EliminaAve, César!
ResponEliminaQuina llàstima que estiguis tan lluny i no poguem passar a menjar-nos les sobres d'aquest gran sopar.
Una abraçada
Morituri te salutant! XD
EliminaVoleu k us les envii?¿ ;)
Tot i k he de reconèixer k ja no en queden tantes!! jajajaja