Aquest divendres passat va fer 3 mesos que vam arribar. I per a celebrar-ho hem tingut un programa d'actes atapeït. Per a començar dijous vaig pillar el primer constipat Canadenc, amb la fresca que carda, la pluja i la feina suposo k algun dia havia de tocar...
El divendres a la feina va ser un infern, 7 hores capejant el temporal entre plats, mal d'ossos i crec que febre i tot... Per sort era divendres i tenia dos dies lliures. El dia següent me'l vaig passar tot dormint, casi sense parar. I aquest diumenge, en canvi, ja m'he trobat millor i l'he aprofitat molt!
Després de pressions internacionals (diguem-ne així ;) ) he anat a Ikea, amb en Tony el propietari. Per cert entrar a l'Ikea ha sigut com transportar-me a l'instant a GranVia2. És 100% igualíssim! XD
Total que m'he comprat un llit.
Sí! Feia tres mesos que dormia en un matalàs d'espuma a terra. No és tant greu com sona, s'hi dormia prou bé, però estava a ras de terra.
Ja us l'havia ensenyat, xo per a fer memòria. |
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I aquí està, la comoditat elevada al seu màxim exponent! |
I això ha estat el que han donat de sí els últims dies...
With the holidays there had been a lot of movement in the blog lately... Now it's been quite for a while, there was nothing new to tell. The calm after the storm I suppose... Until the end of the week!
This last Friday was our 3rd month since we arrived. And to celebrate it we had a very busy schedule full of acts. To begin with, i had caught the first Canadian cold. With the worm temperatures, the rain and the job, I suppose it was inevitable...
Friday was the worst day, 7 hours at work feeling sick between dishes. Luckily it was Friday and I had two days off. Next day I spent it all at bed sleeping for the whole day! And Sunday I was feeling better so I took advantage of it!
After international pressures (lets call it that way) I went to Ikea, with Tony the landlord. As a matter of fact, entering at Ikea was like being transported to Barcelona's Ikea! They are all the same, until the last detail!
There I finally bought a bed!
Yes! I had been 3 month sleeping in a foam mattress on the floor. It is not so bad as it sounds, I slept well there, but I was on the floor.
Little by little it was turning better, I got sheets and a blanket. And it turned to be more comfortable. But today I finally get the whole bed! I still have to try it, once I finish to write the blog I'll sleep there for the very first time!
To end with a useful Sunday, I went to the movie theater (to the normal cinema, they call it like this don't know why...) We saw Les Miserables! Such a great movie!! I really recommend it to everyone!
And that was all for the last days...
Ei, quin llit més xulo!! Espero que sigui molt molt comode :) I tb que et recuperis al 100%!!
ResponEliminaFelicitats pels 3 mesets :)
T'he enviat un mail, a un correu que tenia teu de hotmail... Pero no sé si encara l'utilitzes o no.. Pots confirmar?
take care mate!
Merci Roser!!
EliminaSí k l'he rebut ja esta respost i tot, pots confirmar que l'has rebut? XD
Vaya merda! I tu votes a la CUP? Amb aquests luxes... jajaja!
ResponEliminaMolt bé nano. Celebro que les "presions internacionals" hagin sortit efecte. ;)
Els voto per que em van fer gracia les pintes que portaven de "dogflutes"... No tinc gaires oportunitats de veure gent així xls voltants del meu palauet de Pedralbes, ni en surten gaires tampoc a la Cope o a Intereconomia! Era pur interès sociològic, notfot! XD
EliminaAmunt els dogflutes!