dimarts, 30 d’abril del 2013

I a vegades, ens en sortim!

Avui dia de molt bones notícies! De fet immillorables!

Després de 6 mesos rentant plats, ahir vaig aconseguir una feina d'Editor de Vídeo en una productora!! I avui ha sigut el primer dia! Molt bones sensacions de moment!

Jornada completa, treballant 100% d'Editor, guanyat experiència i currículum i amb una millora salarial considerable respecte al restaurant!!
Ha costat lo seu arribar fins aquí; però com diuen els Manel a vegades contra tot pronòstic, una gran bestiesa capgira allò que crèiem lògic; Tot fent evident, que per un moment, ens en sortim.

Des del principi de tot que n'estava convençut, però avui puc dir inequívocament que ja ha valgut la pena venir a Canadà!!

Estic eufòric!! I feliç!! I espero estar a l'alçada!

Al sortir de la feina he hagut d'anar de compres, a buscar pantalons d'arreglar i camises (que ja no estic rentant plats). I ja que estàvem posant-nos fins, he aprofitat per anar a tallar-me el cabell! Sí, ja tocava! Ho sé! jajajajaj

I això és tot! XD


Today, day of really good news! It couldn't be better!

After 6 month washing dishes, yesterday I got a job as a Video Editor in a video production company!! And today was my first day! So far, so good!

Full time job, working 100% as an Editor, earning experience, increasing my resume and with a better salary compared with the restaurant!!
It was hard to get here, but sometimes against all prognostic a big silly thing put all we thought logic upside down,  and show us that we are getting through.

From the very first day I got here I was convinced about it, but today I can say without a doubt that it was worth it to came to Canada!

I'm so happy! I hope to make a good work there!

Today, when going out of work I had to go shopping, to buy some dressed up trousers and some shirts (that I am not dishwasher anymore! ;)) And taking advantage that I was becoming a dressed up man, I went also to the hair dresser! I could no longer let my hair grow up so wild! I know! hahahahaha

And that's all! XD

dissabte, 27 d’abril del 2013

Per molts anys Sister!!

Avui és l'aniversari de la meva germaneta preferida! L'Anna avui en fa 21!

I ja que és el seu aniversari li dedicarem un post recordant-li que ella un dia també va ser petita.

Fa uns dies em vaig enrecordar de quan érem petits. No sé ben bé com em va venir el record, però em va fer molta gràcia de recordar-me'n.

El record era de una de les moltes vegades que jugàvem a fet i amagar dintre casa. A mi m'encantava amagar-me i que es passés mil hores buscant-me super silenciosa i atentament per les habitacions a les fosques.
M'encantava quan passava just per davant meu i no em veia, o quan la tenia tant a la vora que pensava que em descobriria però de cop i volta sentia un soroll a l'altra punta del pis i girava cua!

Així ens podíem passar hores i hores fins que m'acabava trobant o es rendia i cridava:
- Va Tete! Ara m'amago jo! 

Ara, si em trobava, jo li intentava fer un susto tant gran que acabàvem els dos corrents a 100 x hora per casa i estrellant-nos contra el sofà on ens acabàvem fent pessigolles, rient i cridant!

La frase mítica de la nostra infància, estic segur que hi estaràs d'acord Anna, és la de ma mare cridant des de lluny: "No feu soroll que pujarà aquell home!"

"Aquell home" no era altre que el veí de sota. Qui per cert, espero que mai llegeixi aquest post. De no ser així... "Le mando un saludo y muchos recuerdos des de aquí!" jajajaja
Crec que treballava en horari nocturn, i solia dormir durant el dia. I suposo que un dia (o més d'un potser) deuria pujar enfadat per que la deuríem estar liant molt parda, i des d'aquell dia va quedar instaurat com a l'amenaça per excel·lència a casa nostra!

Bueno ell, i "l'Angusties" que era el personatge (espero k imaginari) que patrullava el barri amb furgoneta i s'enduia els nens que no es portaven bé o no es menjaven el que tenien al plat, per a portar-los a un orfenat homònim, que com podeu imaginar era gris i tenebrós!
Ostia l'Angusties! Quan de temps també! I quin nom més encertat! jajajaja Només sentir-lo ja començàvem a suplicar per la nostra vida! XD

I així passàvem els dies a casa nostra! I tants n'han passat que l'Anna avui fa 21 anys!
Moltes felicitats Tatirri! Que tinguis un gran dia i siguis molt, molt feliç!

T'estimo molt!


Today is my favourite little sister's Birthday! Anna is turning 21!

And taking advantage of this fact, I will dedicate this post to her to remind her that she also was once a little girl!

Some days ago I remembered something from when we were young, or younger than today... I don't know how this memory came to me, but it make me laugh and I want to share it.

This memory was about one of the many times that we played "hide-and-seek" at home. I used to like to hide myself while my sister was looking for me quietly into the darkness.
It was so funny when she was just passing in front of me and she could not see me, or when she was so close to discover me but she heard a sound far from her and she turned around!

We spent so many hours playing like this, until she got tired and shouted at me:
- C'mon Pau come out! That now it's my turn to hide!

But when she discovers me, I tried to scare her as much as I could so we always ended running to the living room and smash ourselves into the couch, laughing, tickling and screaming! 

If there is a mythic sentence of our childhood, and I'm sure that my sister will agree, is my mother shouting us: "- Don't make so much noise that it will come that man!"

"That man" was no other than our neighbor, from the flat below. Who I hope will never read this post! XD
I believe he was working at night shifts and was sleeping by the morning. I supose that one day (or many of them) came up angry because we were being so noisy. And from that day on he became our most feared threat at our home!

To be fair, he was only one of the threatens, the other one was "Anguishes". A character (I hope it was imaginary) that was going all through the neighborhood with a van taking all the children who had been bad or were not finishing their meals.
She, "Anguishes", was supposed to bringing them to a grey and scary orphanage!! jajajjaajaj It's been for a long time that I didn't remember about Anguishes! They really find the most scary name for her! It was only hearing about her, and we were begging for our lives!

And that's how we spent the days at our home! And we had spent so many days than today Anna is turning 21 years old!

Happy birthday Sister!! Have a great day and be very, very happy!
I love you!

dijous, 25 d’abril del 2013

Targeta de visita

Preparat per l'entrevista d'aquesta tarda! :)

(Targeta de visita feta, ordinador i disc dur apunts, dits creuats...)


Ready for the interview of this afternoon! :)

(Business card done, computer and hard drive ready, fingers crossed...)

dimecres, 24 d’abril del 2013

Molt bones notícies (audiovisualment parlant)!

Tinc moltes coses a explicar avui!
Fa unes setmanes que sembla k els vents estan canviant!

Tal com al principi del viatge vaig estar enviant mil currículums, trucant a mil portes i tot esforç va resultar infructífer.

Ara fa unes setmanes que, cansat de rentar plats en torns nocturns, vaig tornar a buscar feina en el sector audiovisual. Total, que aquesta vegada he rebut més feedback, hi han hagut més visites al meu vídeo de presentació, i he tingut alguna entrevista i tot!

El resultat d'aquests contactes i entrevistes s'ha traduït en:

1- L'encàrrec de 1 vídeo promocional per a la web d'una òptica molt xula! Amb parets de colors, molt ben decorada, amb mil ulleres rares disponibles per a utilitzar en el vídeo. I total llibertat per a fer un vídeo atractiu, dinàmic i divertit!
Foto del rodatge de les entrevistes feta per la Karin

2- Estic a la fase final de selecció per a un lloc d'Editor en una productora de vídeo d'aquí Vancouver! Avui m'ho han confirmat! Som dos xavals que hem d'editar el mateix projecte en 5 dies, i el que els agradi més el pagaran i el contractaran com a editor a jornada completa! :D

Estic super feliç de la vida!!! Ja veurem on van a parar aquests dos projectes, però de moment il·lusió i ganes de posar-m'hi a treballar no me'n falten!

Per altra banda i seguint en la tònica de projectes, la setmana passada la Karin i en Víctor (amb suport moral via skype) van gravar les entrevistes pel petit documental que estem fent per a celebrar els 50 anys de la SAME de la UEC de Sants (el centre d'escalada on solia treballar).

Sembla que de moment tot comença a encaixar! :)

I això és tot de moment! Ja aniré informant si hi ha novetats!!! :D


Today I have plenty of things to tell you!
For the last weeks seems that the winds are changing!

At the very beginning of the trip I knock on many doors and I sent a lot of resumes, but there was not feedback and I got nothing.

Now it's been for some weeks, that tired of cleaning dishes at night, I started again to look for a better job or at least one in my field. This time seems that I've been more lucky, I got some feedback, some more visits at my showreel, and even a couple of interviews!

And this couple of interviews turned into:

1- A project of a video for the website of an optician's shop. It's such a cool shop, full of colors, well decorated and full of strange and original glasses that I will be able to use for the video! And we will have all the freedom to make an attractive, dynamic and funny video!

2- I am at the final step to get a job as a Editor in a film production company based in Vancouver! I've just got the news few minutes ago!
We will be two boys editing a project in 5 days. And the one they like the most will be paid and will get the full time job!

I'm super happy and exited! We will see were all this is heading, but by now I am really looking forward to start to work!

Changing of topic, but not going so far. Last week Víctor and Karin shoot the interviews in Barcelona for one of the projects that I'm working on here in Vancouver. A little documentary film for the 50 years of the climbing club where I used to work!

Seems that little by little everything is starting to work again! :)

And that's all by now! I'll keep you updated!! :D

dimarts, 23 d’abril del 2013

Feliç Sant Jordi!!

Molt bona diada de Sant Jordi a tothom!!

A Vancouver no hi tindrem roses, però tenim flors de cirerers per tot arreu!


In Catalonia today is Saint George's day, and for us is the lover's day. Our Saint Valentin's.

It is a gorgeous tradition, and if you ever go to Barelona I would recommend you to go on the 23th of April! It is the best day of the year to visit the city! The streets are full of people, roses, books and Catalan flags! It's just amazing!

The tradition tells that the boys must give a rose to his lover, and the girls a book in response! Nowadays everyone give and receive books and roses that day! It's our way to say: I love you!

This year in Vancouver there would not be any roses, but there will be cherry tree flowers. It's full of them everywhere!

So have a good Sant Jordi's day! And get as much roses as you can! ;)

divendres, 19 d’abril del 2013


Vancouver està a "quatre passes" (250km) de Seattle. I com que aquesta setmana em caducava el visat americà que vaig demanar quan vaig anar a Nova York, dilluns passat vaig anar a passar-hi el dia!

Va ser un vist i no vist, la idea era agafar el primer bus a les 7 del matí i tornar amb l'últim que arribava a les 2 de la matinada.

Pel que fa al clima, Seattle és com Vancouver però encara hi plou més. Tot i això, vaig tenir moltíssima sort per que vaig ensopegar amb un dia radiant com n'hi ha pocs!

Una de les curiositats del viatge va ser que vaig veure per primer cop a la vida un colibrí. Era un d'aquells animals (casi mitològics) que, juntament amb els caballets de mar, et creus que existeixen per que els veus als llibres i tal, però que em semblaven tant curiosos que arribes a dubtar que n'arribis a veure mai un! jejeje

I una altre escena entranyable va ser quan vaig veure un nen i una nena equipats amb botes d'aigua i un paraigua, corretejant i jugant per sota una font pública. Eren divertidíssims!

I més o menys això és el k va donar de sí el dia, m'ho vaig prendre amb molta calma i vaig desconnectar tant que el dimarts al entrar a treballar va ser com venir de vacances!  Però mentrestant, en un univers paral·lel, segueixo rentant plats i fent algun que altre sushi!  

En el següent post, tinc moltes notícies per a donar-vos, totes o la gran majoria bones i relacionades d'una manera o altra amb projectes de vídeo! Fins aquí puc llegir! :)


Vancouver is so close to Seattle (250km). And taking advantage that this week my American visa (the one I took to go to New York) was expiring, I went to Seattle to spend a day! 

It was such a fast trip, I took the first bus at 7AM and I came back with the last one that was arriving to Vancouver at 2AM.

About the weather, Seattle is pretty much the same than Vancouver but even more rainy! Though I had such an incredible bright sunny day!

One of the curious things of the trip, was the fact that I saw for the first time in my life a Hummingbird. It was one of those animals that seemed mythological to me. You know that they exist because you trust the books, but you think that is likely that you'll never see one of them by yourself!
And another lovely scene, was when I saw a little boy with a little girl equipped with rain boots and an umbrella playing with the water under a public fountain. They were so funny!

And more or less, this was pretty much all my day trip. I took it really calmly, and I felt so disconnected from work that next Tuesday when I came back to work it was like if I was coming back from holidays! But meanwhile, in a parallel universe I keep cleaning dishes and making some sushi every now and then!

In the next post I have plenty of news, good news most of them, related some way or another with with video projects!! I won't tell anything else yet! :)

diumenge, 14 d’abril del 2013

Última Esquiada de la Temporada

I si no és la última serà la penúltima, que d'hivern quasi ja ni en queda per aquí!

Tot i la mandra que fa alguns dies quan et lleves d'hora als matins per agafar tot carregat un bus, l'skytrain, un ferri i un altre bus que et porti fins les pistes, un cop allà val mil vegades la pena.

A principis de temporada vaig fer un cop de cap i vaig invertir un dels primers sous i part del que tenia estalviat per a permetre'm un petit caprici. Va ser molta pasta en aquell moment, i sempre hi havia aquell dubte de si ho aprofitaria...

Una de les excuses que em vaig donar per autoconvènce'm al comprar el passe de temporada va ser que només estaria a Canadà una vegada i valia la pena aprofitar-ho al màxim. Avui l'excusa ja no em serveix per que m'he quedat amb ganes de més! 

Un cop donada per acabada la temporada, aquella inversió s'ha vist més que compensada amb la de hores i hores que m'he passat a les pistes gaudint de la natura, del paisatge, de la bona companyia i de l'esquí! I està clar que a Canadà potser sí que serà la primera i última temporada que hi passi, però ja estic esperant a que arribi l'hivern vinent.

Aquesta foto, és de la última baixada que he fet, just per anar a parar al pàrquing, guardar les coses al cotxe i marxar...


Last day of ski of the season. And if it is not the last one will be the one before the last one, because winter is almost over!

I must admit that I feel kind of lazy every morning that I have to carry all the equipment by the bus, the skytrain, the ferry and by another bus that brings me to the slopes. But once there is totally worth it!

At the very beginning of the season I invested one salary and part of my savings to pay a little caprice. It was a big money then, and there is always the doubt of if I'll take advantage or not of it...

One of the excuses I gave me to convince me to buy the season pass, was that I'll only be in Canada once, and it was worth it to take as much advantage of it as I could. Today that excuse is not valid anymore, because I want to keep skiing!

Once the season is over, I see that the investment was totally compensated by all the hours I spent there enjoying the nature, the landscapes, the good company and the ski! And it may be the first and the last season that I will live in Canada, but by now I am already looking forward next winter again!

This picture is from the last slope I descended, just next to the parking, ready to load everything to the car and left...

dimecres, 10 d’abril del 2013


Avui al restaurant m'han ensenyat a fer Sushi!

D'aquí a unes setmanes en principi m'han de promocionar de rentaplats a cuiner! Així que a poc a poc m'aniran ensenyant més plats! De moment m'he d'anar estudiant les receptes.

Aquests són els dos plats de sushi que m'han ensenyat a fer: Rainbow Roll i Sushi Cons!

Us he penjat la foto de la recepta, com comprendreu no tenia cap càmera a mà a la cuina... Però els que he fet jo no s'allunyaven massa dels d'aquestes fotos! :)

Tonight at the restaurant I had been taught how to do Sushi!

In few weeks I should be promoted from dishwasher to cook! So little by little they will be teaching me more dishes! By now, I have to study the recipes.

Those are the two dishes that I learned today: Rainbow Roll and Sushi Cons!

This is the picture of the recipes, as you can imagine I am not having the camera with me while working... But this pictures are not so far from my the results I got tonight! :)

dimarts, 9 d’abril del 2013

De rodatges, primavera i neu.

Tinc mil coses a explicar avui!! I totes positives!!

La primera i més important, és que finalment la setmana passada vaig aconseguir colar-me a un rodatge!

Anava a fer de suplent del tècnic de só (x si un cas no hi podia anar), i una mica de suport en el que fes falta. No vaig tenir massa feina la veritat, però m'ho vaig passar molt bé, vaig conèixer gent molt maca i apassionada per la seva feina, i vaig fer contactes que en un futur potser poden portar noves feines! I això sempre és bo!

Tot just acabar vaig anar directe al restaurant, i deuríem ser vora les 5 k me'n anava a dormir. Sabia que dormiria poc, i al cap de 3 horetes o així en Jordi ha vingut a despertar-nos d'hora perquè anàvem d'excursió a Lynn Valley! Ens va despertar cridant i cantant el Bon dia dels Pets! Ho tenim tot gravat, algun dia potser sortirà aquest vídeo a la llum! XD

Més coses, més coses! Ha arribat la primavera! Vancouver està plegat de cirerers i aquests dies estan florint! Espectacular!!

Hi ha dues conseqüències directes del fet que hagi arribat la primavera. Una és que ja és oficial: Hem sobreviscut a un hivern Canadenc! (a la ciutat més càlida de Canadà això sí...)

I la segona conseqüència, és que aviat tancaran les pistes d'esquí! Pot ser que el cap de setmana vinent sigui l'últim! :S

Així doncs, aquest cap de setmana l'he aprofitat al màxim per a esquiar! Hi vaig anar diumenge amb la Natalie i en Dan, i hi he anat avui dilluns amb en Mario!

La neu ja comença a estar una mica xunga... Però encara es deixava esquiar!
Avui hem fet un repassillu al mapa de les pistes, i crec que les hem fet totes, o un 99'9% com a mínim!

Com a cosa extraordinària, hem sentit un sorolls estranys que sortien del bosc, de fet l'hem sentit a dos llocs diferents en moments diferents, i semblaven ben bé el so d'un ós!! No sabrem mai si ho eren o no, personalment ho dubto bastant però pel tipus de so tampoc sé què més podia ser. Per si un cas hem cardat el camp tant ràpid com hem pogut!

Ahir ens vam aventurar per una de les més difícils, k no havia fet mai, i ens va agradar tant que la vam repetir. Era espectacular! No portava càmera i el mòbil no és que sigui una meravella, però aquí hi ha alguna foto del lloc!

I això és el k han donat de sí els dos últims caps de setmana! Demà a intentar que condeixi el dia tant com sigui possible, que avui hauria d'haver fet una mica de feina i no la he fet! (res que no pogués esperar un dia més... així que cap problema!) :)

Aquest dimecres a les 19:30 torna a haver-hi projecció de "Unes Altres Veus" als cinemes Girona de Barcelona! No us ho perdeu! ;)


I have plenty of things to tell today!! And all of them positive!!

The first one, and the most important, is that finally I could sneak into a shooting!

I was supposed to back the sound guy up,  and helping in anything it was needed. To tell you the truth I hadn't had so much work, but I had a great time there, I met some good people and passionate by their work, and I made some contacts that maybe in a future would bring me more work! And that's always good!

Just after finish the shooting, I went straight to the restaurant, and it should be around 5AM that I got asleep. I knew that I won't sleep so much that night, because three hours later Jordi came to wake us up early because we were going to hike to Lynn Valley! He wake us up screaming and singing a very loud music! There is a funny moment recorded in a video at Jordi's camera, so maybe someday I will show it!

More things! Spring is here!! Vancouver is full of cherry trees, and those days they are flourishing! Amazing!

There are two direct consequences about the coming of the Spring. One is that we officially survived to a Canadian winter! (in the warmer city of Canada...  but a winter in Canada at the end! XD)

And the second consequence, is that the ski resort will be closed soon! Maybe next one is their last weekend! :S

So I took advantage of this weekend to ski as much as I could! I went Sunday with Natalie and Dan, and I wnt again o Monday with Mario!

The quality of the snow is not the best anymore... But is still skiable!
Today we took a quick look, and I think that we skied all of them, or at leat un 99'9% at least.

As a fun fact, we heared a strange sound coming out from the forest, actually we heared them in two different places and time, and it really seemed a bear!! We will never know if it really was a bear or not, personally I really doubt that it was a bear, but for the kind of sound I really don't know what else could it be! Just in case we run the hell out of there!

Yesterday we tried to skione of the most difficults, that I hadn't try before, and I enjoyed so much that we did it twice! It was spectacular! I hadn't got the camera with me and the cell phone is what it is... but here you are some pictures of the place! 

And this is all we did in the last two weekends! Tomorrow I'll try to do lots of things that I should do today but finally I had no time to do. (nothing that can't wait one day more... so no problem!) :)