I ja que és el seu aniversari li dedicarem un post recordant-li que ella un dia també va ser petita.
Fa uns dies em vaig enrecordar de quan érem petits. No sé ben bé com em va venir el record, però em va fer molta gràcia de recordar-me'n.
El record era de una de les moltes vegades que jugàvem a fet i amagar dintre casa. A mi m'encantava amagar-me i que es passés mil hores buscant-me super silenciosa i atentament per les habitacions a les fosques.
M'encantava quan passava just per davant meu i no em veia, o quan la tenia tant a la vora que pensava que em descobriria però de cop i volta sentia un soroll a l'altra punta del pis i girava cua!
Així ens podíem passar hores i hores fins que m'acabava trobant o es rendia i cridava:
- Va Tete! Ara m'amago jo!
Ara, si em trobava, jo li intentava fer un susto tant gran que acabàvem els dos corrents a 100 x hora per casa i estrellant-nos contra el sofà on ens acabàvem fent pessigolles, rient i cridant!
La frase mítica de la nostra infància, estic segur que hi estaràs d'acord Anna, és la de ma mare cridant des de lluny: "No feu soroll que pujarà aquell home!"
"Aquell home" no era altre que el veí de sota. Qui per cert, espero que mai llegeixi aquest post. De no ser així... "Le mando un saludo y muchos recuerdos des de aquí!" jajajaja
Crec que treballava en horari nocturn, i solia dormir durant el dia. I suposo que un dia (o més d'un potser) deuria pujar enfadat per que la deuríem estar liant molt parda, i des d'aquell dia va quedar instaurat com a l'amenaça per excel·lència a casa nostra!
Bueno ell, i "l'Angusties" que era el personatge (espero k imaginari) que patrullava el barri amb furgoneta i s'enduia els nens que no es portaven bé o no es menjaven el que tenien al plat, per a portar-los a un orfenat homònim, que com podeu imaginar era gris i tenebrós!
Ostia l'Angusties! Quan de temps també! I quin nom més encertat! jajajaja Només sentir-lo ja començàvem a suplicar per la nostra vida! XD
I així passàvem els dies a casa nostra! I tants n'han passat que l'Anna avui fa 21 anys!
Moltes felicitats Tatirri! Que tinguis un gran dia i siguis molt, molt feliç!
T'estimo molt!
Today is my favourite little sister's Birthday! Anna is turning 21!
And taking advantage of this fact, I will dedicate this post to her to remind her that she also was once a little girl!
Some days ago I remembered something from when we were young, or younger than today... I don't know how this memory came to me, but it make me laugh and I want to share it.
This memory was about one of the many times that we played "hide-and-seek" at home. I used to like to hide myself while my sister was looking for me quietly into the darkness.
It was so funny when she was just passing in front of me and she could not see me, or when she was so close to discover me but she heard a sound far from her and she turned around!
We spent so many hours playing like this, until she got tired and shouted at me:
- C'mon Pau come out! That now it's my turn to hide!
But when she discovers me, I tried to scare her as much as I could so we always ended running to the living room and smash ourselves into the couch, laughing, tickling and screaming!
If there is a mythic sentence of our childhood, and I'm sure that my sister will agree, is my mother shouting us: "- Don't make so much noise that it will come that man!"
"That man" was no other than our neighbor, from the flat below. Who I hope will never read this post! XD
I believe he was working at night shifts and was sleeping by the morning. I supose that one day (or many of them) came up angry because we were being so noisy. And from that day on he became our most feared threat at our home!
To be fair, he was only one of the threatens, the other one was "Anguishes". A character (I hope it was imaginary) that was going all through the neighborhood with a van taking all the children who had been bad or were not finishing their meals.
She, "Anguishes", was supposed to bringing them to a grey and scary orphanage!! jajajjaajaj It's been for a long time that I didn't remember about Anguishes! They really find the most scary name for her! It was only hearing about her, and we were begging for our lives!
And that's how we spent the days at our home! And we had spent so many days than today Anna is turning 21 years old!
Happy birthday Sister!! Have a great day and be very, very happy!
I love you!
Paulino mi hai fatto scendere una lacrimuccia di commozione :'( Kisses from the other side of the ocean :)!!!
ResponEliminaMaria (botti botti bo)
Maria!!! Ma che sorpresa!! Non ti aspettava! Sono contento che ti piace il post.
EliminaCome stai?¿ Cosa fai con la tua vita?¿ Dobbiamo fare un Skype un giorno presto!
Ho tante cose da raccontare e anche voi, così tanto tempo che non parliamo!
Spero che tutto ti vada bene!
Baci e botti botti boooo!!!
Felicitats Anna... el temps pasa... pero no gaire, de moment..
ResponEliminaI tant si passa! :)
EliminaUna abraçada Guillem!
ooooh!! :) moltes gràcies, Pau!! :)
ResponEliminatot ben cert! i jo també ho recordo molt contenta! jajajaja quins bons moments!
gràcies per tot i a seguir compartint moments d'aquests encara que siguis a l'altra banda del món!
un petó molt gran!!