Va ser un vist i no vist, la idea era agafar el primer bus a les 7 del matí i tornar amb l'últim que arribava a les 2 de la matinada.
Pel que fa al clima, Seattle és com Vancouver però encara hi plou més. Tot i això, vaig tenir moltíssima sort per que vaig ensopegar amb un dia radiant com n'hi ha pocs!
Una de les curiositats del viatge va ser que vaig veure per primer cop a la vida un colibrí. Era un d'aquells animals (casi mitològics) que, juntament amb els caballets de mar, et creus que existeixen per que els veus als llibres i tal, però que em semblaven tant curiosos que arribes a dubtar que n'arribis a veure mai un! jejeje
I una altre escena entranyable va ser quan vaig veure un nen i una nena equipats amb botes d'aigua i un paraigua, corretejant i jugant per sota una font pública. Eren divertidíssims!
I més o menys això és el k va donar de sí el dia, m'ho vaig prendre amb molta calma i vaig desconnectar tant que el dimarts al entrar a treballar va ser com venir de vacances! Però mentrestant, en un univers paral·lel, segueixo rentant plats i fent algun que altre sushi!
En el següent post, tinc moltes notícies per a donar-vos, totes o la gran majoria bones i relacionades d'una manera o altra amb projectes de vídeo! Fins aquí puc llegir! :)
Vancouver is so close to Seattle (250km). And taking advantage that this week my American visa (the one I took to go to New York) was expiring, I went to Seattle to spend a day!
It was such a fast trip, I took the first bus at 7AM and I came back with the last one that was arriving to Vancouver at 2AM.
About the weather, Seattle is pretty much the same than Vancouver but even more rainy! Though I had such an incredible bright sunny day!
About the weather, Seattle is pretty much the same than Vancouver but even more rainy! Though I had such an incredible bright sunny day!
One of the curious things of the trip, was the fact that I saw for the first time in my life a Hummingbird. It was one of those animals that seemed mythological to me. You know that they exist because you trust the books, but you think that is likely that you'll never see one of them by yourself!
And another lovely scene, was when I saw a little boy with a little girl equipped with rain boots and an umbrella playing with the water under a public fountain. They were so funny! And more or less, this was pretty much all my day trip. I took it really calmly, and I felt so disconnected from work that next Tuesday when I came back to work it was like if I was coming back from holidays! But meanwhile, in a parallel universe I keep cleaning dishes and making some sushi every now and then!
In the next post I have plenty of news, good news most of them, related some way or another with with video projects!! I won't tell anything else yet! :)
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