Canada es transforma per Canada Day, tothom surt al carrer, i es lia parda!
Hi ha espectacles de totes mides i colors, des de mags, contorsionistes, acròbates, músics, bodypainting, pallassos, pintura mural, tai-txi...
Passejant per Downtown vaig estar xerrant amb un mag que era la canya! L'Andrew tenia una habilitat amb les mans que et feia creure el que volia! Us en deixo una petita mostra, a veure què us en sembla! Jo em vaig quedar flipant! XD
Al vespre, per acabar d'arrodonir el dia, hi va haver un espectacle pirotècnic a la badia entre Downtown i North Vancouver. Van estar molt bé també!

I ja per acabar el dia següent, i cada dimarts a partir d'ara, fan cinema a la fresca a l'Stanley Park.
Totes són pel·lícules antigues, la setmana que ve fan "La història interminable" i ahir hi vam veure Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles. Molt mític! -----------------------------------------------------------------------------------
Canada changes in Canada's Day, everyone goes out on the streets!
There are any kind of shows everywhere, magicians, contortionists, acrobats, musicians, bodypainting, clowns, painters, tai chi...
Walking through Downtown I talked with a magician that was so cool! Andrew has an extreme ability with his hands, and make you believe what he wanted! Here it is a little taste of it, I hope you like it, I was astonished about his tricks!
At night to finish the day as it;s meant to be, we watched some fireworks between Downtown and North Vancouver. It was gorgeous!
And if it was not enough, next day, and every Tuesday now on, there is an outdoor cinema at Stanley Park. All the movies are kind of old, next Tuesday will be The Neverending Story and yesterday we saw Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles! So mythic!
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