He anat algun dia a la platja, he anat a veure pel·lícules al cinema a la fresca algun vespre, he anat quedant amb amics, va ser l'aniversari de l'Albert, he hagut d'anar dos dies a l'oficina per a acabar alguns projectes que es van quedar penjats.
I a part he estat avançant alguns projectes personals. El vídeo de la UEC que torna a estar parat per dues setmanetes, almenys.
I el vídeo de la Òptica, que finalment ja està en post producció! Diumenge passat per fi vam poder gravar-lo!
Era el primer rodatge que encarava en solitari sense l'ajuda dels de Camille, Teidees o la Karin, i no disposàvem de pressupost, ni il·luminació, ni masses pijades. Però al final va sortir tot rodat! Mai millor dit... jejeje
Fins i tot vam acabar dues hores abans del que tenia planificat. L'equip format per la Michelle (la propietària de la òptica), l'Annika (l'actriu), l'Andrea (l'actor) i un servidor va resultar ser un èxit i ens vam entendre a la perfecció malgrat haver-ho de fer en Anglès. jejeje
Tant bon punt el tingui acabat i el facin públic ja us l'ensenyaré! Fins llavors aquí en teniu una captura de pantalla des del programa d'edició per anar fent boca! :)
It's been for some days that I hadn't said anything here on the blog. I'm on holidays and I am trying to take advantage of them as much as I can!
I went to the beach, I went to the fresh air cinema some evenings, I had been meeting some friends, it was Albert's birthday and I had to go twice to the office too to finish some projects that needed to be done.
A part of it, I had been working on my personal projects too. The documentary of the 50 aniversary of a hiking club from Barcelona, is on stand by until I have more time to work on it, in two weeks maybe.
And the Eye Candy video, that was finally shoted last Sunday and now it's in post-production!
It was my first project faced all by myself without the help of the people from Camille, Teidees or my friend Karin, and we hadn't had neither budget nor illumination. But everything was more than fine! Everything turn to be great actually!
We finished 2 hours early than was supposed. The team composed by Michelle (the owner of the shop), Annika (the actress), Andrea (the actor) and myself turn to be such a great success and we understood each other very well despite the fact that we had to talk in English! hehehe
I will show you the result as soon as I finish it, and we make it public! Since then, here you are an screen shot of the project on Premiere! :)
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