La previsió d'Aurores era alta, i estic a un bon lloc on, si passen, segur que les veig! Així que vaig preparar la càmera, el trípode i l'intervalòmetre. Em vaig abrigar tant com vaig poder, i la sort em va tornar a somriure. No només van aparèixer, sinó que van ser molt actives! I vaig tenir la previsió de plantar la càmera cap a un sector del cel que va resultar ser molt molt actiu! Així doncs, aquí teniu una petita mostra del espectacle que vaig poder tornar a veure!
Aquest vespre ve la Sunny, l'amiga que s'uneix en el segon tram del viatge! Just arriba ella que també arriba el bon temps, així doncs, avui segurament i si trobem un bon lloc podrem avistar-les de nou! A més a més, ens esperen mil aventures més encara, a part de les Northern Lights! Ja intentaré mantenir-vos al dia de totes elles! ;)
Fins aviat!
After a night waiting for the rain to stop inside the car, with much cold, but without much luck...
Two nights ago after a really sunny day, I was able to see again the Northern Lights!
The Northern Lights forecast was good, and the weather was not likely to be a problem! I got the camera ready, the tripod and all the gadgets. I got the most warm cloth I have and I got ready to spend another night outside! And the luck smiled to me again! Not only did they shine, but they also shined in a very vivid and active way. I was so lucky because I faced the camera to a really active sector of the sky, and the show was amazing again!
This evening Sunny will arrive, she is the friend that is joining e for the second part of my trip. With her is coming also the sun. It's kind of funny that Sunny is bringing the sun! Isn't it?¿ XD
Seems likely that today we will see the northern lights again!
And a part of the Northern lights, there are plenty of new adventures waiting ahead of us! I will keep you updated about all them! ;)
See you soon!
Quina preciositaaaat Pau!!!! Exhuberant és un verb que faig servir en ocasions especials, comptades vegades, i aquesta n'es una!!! FELICITATS!!!
ResponEliminaMoltes gràcies Sabina!! Un honor arrencar-te tal paraula! ;)