I sort, per que la ciutat és com bastant lletja... No he vist el casc antic, potser millora, però la resta és un conjunt de polígons industrials encadenats. Preciós!
Més tard el cotxe! Ai el cotxe! XD He hagut de fer paripècies i trucar al banc per que les targetes no em funcionaven, al final amb la ajuda i la molta paciència del noi de la oficina me'n he ensortit!
Però la epopeia tot just començava!
Després de tot un any sense conduir, un sistema de senyalització diferent, i el canvi automàtic del cotxe, m'he hagut de passar dues hores donant voltes en una gasolinera per acostumar-me al cotxe! A Saber que deuríen pensar de mí al veure'm els treballadors de la gasolinera! jajajaja
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My Alaskan home! Pretty cool isn't it?¿ ;) |
Fins i tot hi ha hagut un moment just al principi que he arribat a pensar molt seriosament alternatives al cotxe! Pensava, doncs el vaig a tornar i faig autoestop, o busco busos! Però no ho he fet, després de ves a saber quant de temps, li he pillat el truco, i ara ja el tinc domesticadíssim! Tranquils que ara ja el condueixo sense problemes!
Un cop passat el període d'aclimatació, he anat a comprar quatre coses tipus menjar i aigua i ja he enfilat en direcció a Fairbanks. No sé quants quilòmetres he fet, però uns quants bastants, he anat parant de tant en tant fins que he trobat un lloc super xulo on passar la nit.
Era un llac, on no hi havia ningú més i se suposava que podria fer bones fotos. S'havia passat el dia plovent, però per llavors ja havia aclarit i semblava que tindria una nit apostuflant! Però no!
Tot just pondre's el sol, i quan ja ho tenia tot preparadíssim, s'ha tornat a ennuvolar! Llavors he decidit d'anar a fer nit a un lloc no tant solitari, per que estava al mig del no res. I ja em veieu a mi conduint de nit buscant un lloc mentre començava a diluviar altre cop. Havia passat un poblet petit feia poc, i pensava que allà trobaria un lloc. Però no! Aquell poblet mai va aparèixer, suposo k estava més lluny del que pensava!
Per sort, he trobat un camping d'autocarabanes a la vora, i m'hi he acostat. Estava tot tancat, i m'hi he colat. He fet nit allà tranquil·lament, i al matí he passat per recepció des d'on us escric, a pagar.
I aquest ha estat el meu primer dia a Alaska! Bastant intens no?¿ A veure que m'espera pel segon! De moment ja m'he llevat plovent i no te pinta d'amainar...
Avui potse fagi nit vora el Denali National Park, on hi ha el Mont McKinley! A veure que trobo i si millora el temps!
Vinga una abraçada i fins aviat!
What a first day! First of all, once in Anchorage we had to wait for an hour in the flight because there wasn't any hangar free. Finally we left the flight, and ahead of me there was 12 hours of stand by until I got the car. I was willing to go to see Anchorage, but it was raining a lot and so windy too... So I wait in the airport, sleeping, connected on internet, chatting with people.
I was lucky that I couldn't go out for tourism, Anchorage is not the prettiest city in the world! Its like a chain of industrial anc commercial centers, at least as far I had seen. Gorgeous!
Later I went to rent the car, and I had plenty of troubles with my credit cards, they were not working... I had to call the bank, and after a lot of troubles, with the patience and support of the man of the car rental company, we finally made it! But the adventure was just starting!
After a whole year without driving, with a different road system, and with an automatic car that I had never drove before I had to spent 2 hours turning around a gas station just to get used to the car!
I don't want to know what the gas station workers were thinking about me! XD
I was feeling so out of place, and with the fucking car that was braking wild without any control! I was afraid just to think about the moment that I should step out on the road! :S
There had a time that i had even thinking in alternatives for the car! Hitchhiking, busses... I was thinking in coming back to the office and give them the car back! But i hadn't, and after some time i get completely used to it! And now everything is under control! Don't worry about anything that now everything goes smoothly!
After this hell, I went to buy some food and water, and I headed up to Fairbanks. I don't know how many km I did, but plenty of them for sure, when I find a lake where I planned to spend the night, and seemed a perfect spot for starting to take pictures! By then the rain was gone, and it seemed that I was going to have my first starred night! But it wasn't!
Just minutes after the sunset, and when everything was set to start with the photo session, it turned cloudy again! So I decided to go to sleep in a place with more people, because I was in the middle of nowhere!
You can imagine me, in the middle of a rainy night, trying to look for a place to spend the night. There was a little town that I remember passing by, but it should be passed long ago because I couldn't find it!
Luckily I find a campsite, that by then it was closed, where I had been able to snick into and spend the night there.
This morning I passed by the office of the campsite from where I am writing you, and I paid my bill.
And that was my first day in Alaska! Pretty intense isn't it?¿ Lets see what the second holds for me! By now it is raining again and it's not likely to stop...
Today I will maybe be sleeping in the Denali National Park, next to the Mount McKinley! Let's what I find there and if the weather improve!
Well that's all, big hug and see you soon!
Damn it! Em sap greu que l'entrada no hagi estat una mica més suau. Però alhora he rigut una mica, ho reconec... xDDD
ResponEliminaSort per la resta, jefazo!
N'hi havia per a llogar-hi cadires! Fotia cada frenasso la fera aquesta! Finalment per fi l'he domesticat i ara ja fotem tants km com faci falta! XD