No he tingut internet fins avui. Així que x a resumir, faré una llista del més important dels ultims dies.
- Després de les vacances amb la família, i ja en solitari, vaig entrar a Alemanya, i vaig enllaçar el Rhin amb el Danubi.
A cert punt de l'etapa van desapareixer les senyals que seguia, i vaig haver d'improvitzar enllaçant poblets x carreteres secundàries on no passava ni deu. Seguint un mapa de propaganda, super simple que havia aconseguit a una tourist office. Tot en mig de xafacs puntuals. Molt èpic tot plegat.
- Finalment vaig arribar al Danubi (Donau en alemany). Va ser entrar a la vall del Danubi, i canviar el paissatge. Es va tornar encara més espectacular! Amb boscos super frondosos d'avets i faigs, van apareixer roques calcàries i muntanyes altes, avellaners, bolets... una barreja dels boscos de Berga i Vall d'Aran elevats al seu màxim exponent. Tot es va tenyir de verd! Impresionant!
- Aquella mateixa nit va començar la meva vida social en el meu tram en solitari. Vaig acabar fent unes birres amb dos nois alemanys que em van fer un master en birra alemanya!
La nit següent vaig acabar en un foc de camp, menjant hamburgueses i frankfurts, i bebent birra invitat x una colla de 6 o 7 amics i els seus fills. Tots parlant alemany, i xaurrejant algo d'anglès! molt granciòs, no entendre una merda! XD
- Al cap de dos dies vaig conèixer els que ara son els meus companys de viatge. L'Armando, de València, i la Marjolein dels Països Baixos. Els dos viatjaven com jo en bici i en solitari. I ara seguim viatjant cadascú al nostre ritme, però quedem per a trobar-nos al càmping al final de cada etapa.
- X la resta tot va seguint el seu curs. He aconseguit fer 7 etapes seguides d'aproximadament 100km cada una, i estic avançant molt. Avui hem entrat a Àustria ja, i estem a dos dies (aprox.) de Viena.
Avui he arribat als 2181 km, i l'altre dia vam celebrar la "2000 KM Party", al més pur estil oktoberfest, aprofitant que eren les festes del poble on vam passar la nit.
El plan, pot canviar, però estic valorant la possibilitat d'arribar a Budapest passant per Bratislava també. I desprès agafar un tren que em torni on soc avui, a Linz, per encara ja cap a sud i començar a anar cap a Itàlia on agafaria ja el ferri cap a Barcelona. Però encara queden molts díes, i tot pot canviar. Així que Cronos dirà!
I aquestes son les pintes que porto normalment... XD |
I hadn't had internet until now. So I'll make a list with the most important of the last few days.
- After my family holidays, and all by myself, I entered to Germany. And switch from the Rhein to the Danube (Donau in German)
In a certain point of the etage, the signs I was following just disapeared. So I had to improvisate, following a really shity map, jumping from little town to little town through solitary secondary roads. With showers of rain every now and then.
- Finally I got to the Danube. And at the very first moment I entered the valley, all the landscape changed. It turned to be even more spectacular! Everything got tinted in green.
- That same night started my social life travelling alone. I eneded doing a master in German Bier with two german guys! They were so nice and we had such a great time!
Next night, I ended invted to bier and some bbq meet in a bonfire made by some group of friends and their children. All them talking in german, and a little bit of English. Even the fact that I couldn't understand most of it, it ended being a funny night!
- And two days later I met who now are my new travelling buddies. Armando from València, and Marjolein from Netherland. They were travelling alone and by bike, as me. and now we keep traveling by our selves, marking our own rithm, but we agree to meet in a camp site at the end of the day. It turn to be such a nice way to travel, at least it works for us.
- The rest, is following it's cours. I achoieved to keep 100km per day for the last 7 days, so I am getting further. Today we entered to Austria, and we already are to aproximatel 2 days from Vien.
Today I achieved the 2181 km, and last day we celebrate the "2000 KM Party" in a Oktoberfest's way, taking advantage of the Volksfest of the town we were spending the night.
Now on, and knowing that it can change, the plan is the following. Try to get to Bratislava and Budapest, then took a train back to Linz, the city I'm staying today. And then face south, all the way to Italy where I'll meet some friends and take the ferry. But there is still a lot to do, and nothing is seating on stone. So Cronos will tell!