dimarts, 1 de gener del 2013

Fucking cap d'any!

Que com m'ha anat el cap d'any? ... Buf! Ha estat un cap d'any molt llarg, ple... no ple, pleníssim de plats bruts, i coses per a rentar!

Ha estat una de les nits on hi ha hagut més feina, que recordi. Mai fins ara havia plegat a les 3, quan en principi plegava a la 1:30. Com a molt et quedes mitja horeta més, però una hora i mitja més, mai!

Em vaig adonar que ja no estàvem al 2012, quan la gent al menjador van començar a cridar.

La part positiva de tot plegat, és que ja ha passat! I que a partir d'aquí el 2013 només pot millorar! XD

A part me'n vaig endur el mòbil i vaig poder fer fotos de la cuina on treballo. Així la podeu veure i fer-vos una idea...

La 1a foto la vaig fer en un moment mitjanament tranquil, per tant no està en el seu màxim esplendor! Ha estat pitjor, "palabra!" I ahir més que mai...

La segona és com ha de quedar, i queda cada nit quan pleguem. A vegades, sembla k mai ho aconseguirem, però al final sempre acaba quedant així!

Això és tot per avui. Espero que hagueu tingut una gran entrada d'any.

Bon any nou a tothom!!


What about my new year's eve? ...Buf! It had been a really long New Year's Eve, full... not full, really full of dirty dishes, and things to clean!

It had been one of the busiest nights that I remember. Never before we had finished at 3 when we were supposed to finish at 1:30. Normally, if we have to stay longer we stay like half an hour, never one hour and a half more!

I realized that we were no longer at 2012, when the people in the restaurant started to shout.

The positive part, it is that that day has already passed! And that from this point 2013 can only get better! XD

And I also took my cell phone with me, so I could take some pictures of the kitchen where I work. So you can see ti, and make a clearer idea...

The 1st picture was taken in a average moment not too busy, so it can be much worse.
It had been much worse, I promise! And yesterday more than ever...

The 2nd one, is how it has to be at the end, and how it always ends. Sometimes seems that it will never be possible, but at the end we always get there!

That's all by now. I hope you had a great new year's eve.

I wish you the best for 2013!

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