divendres, 30 de novembre del 2012


Avui aprofito per a ensenyar-vos una mica l'Skytrain.

N'he fet referència a alguns post per sobre, i hi ha algú que no para de preguntar per ell... Així que aquí tens l'Skytrain Jordi!!! jajajajajjajaja

T'he fet fins i tot un vídeo! Perquè vegis que m'ho he currat!
És un stopmotion cutrillu xk no tinc càmera de vídeo encara, el vaig fer a la nit amb poca llum evidentment i a part la qualitat diguem que deixa molt a desitjar... Però espero que t'agradi! Potser un dia, si segueixes insistint, te'n faig un de dia i tot! XD

Bàsicament l'Skytrain és un metro que al sortir del centre de la ciutat va per fora de túnels, i vas veient les vistes de la ciutat i voltants. Normalment va per unes vies elevades respecte al transit, per tant tens més bones vistes. Pels que veien els Simpsons, vindria a ser un "Monorrail"! jejeje

Una de les dues parades que ens cauen més a prop.
Aquest és un dels vagons antics, n'hi han de més nous també.
Al capdamunt de la pujada que es veu al fons, hi ha casa nostra.

 I aquí el vídeo! Ja aviso ara que la qualitat és pèssima... però la intenció és el que conta, val... jajajaja

Vinga una abraçada i fins aviat!

dilluns, 26 de novembre del 2012

Un molt bon cap de setmana!

Malauradament s'està acabant el cap de setmana... Tot just són les 12 de la nit de diumenge, així que ja és dilluns.
Començo a treballar a les 6 de la tarda, per tant tècnicament encara estic de festa...

El cap de setmana ha donat molt de sí! Estic molt content perquè l'he aprofitat bastant molt i almenys m'he pogut treure aquella sensació de no fer res més que fregar plats.

Dissabte al matí me'l vaig prendre amb calma. Vaig llevar-me més aviat tard, vaig estar fent un skype amb la Carla (Un "saludo"! des d'aquí! jejeje), i després vaig haver de passar pel restaurant a arreglar un petit problema amb el sou. (no m'havien contat totes les hores que havia fet, però ja està arreglat).

Sortint del restaurant vaig anar a comprar una entrada de cine per la tarda, vaig comprar algo de dinar i me'l vaig anar a prendre a l'Standley Park aprofitant que feia molt bon dia. Feia molt sol, però també molt fred! Aquest cap de setmana ja s'ha notat una baixada bastant heavy de les temperatures, demà preveuen de màxima 8 ºC i de mínima 1 ºC.

Així que vaig agafar una mica de fred i vaig anar de pet a un Starbucks a entrar en calor. Vaig estar fent temps fins les 6:50 que començava la pel·lícula. Vaig anar a vore Cloud Atlas. Feia molt de temps que tenia ganes de veure-la i va superar totes les expectatives. La recomano molt moltíssim!!

Us deixo el link al trailer!

Al sortir vaig quedar amb l'Albert i us amics seus i ja vaig marxar cap a casa al cap de poc ja vaig anar de retirada cap a casa...

Més vistes des de North Vancouver.

Diumenge, ha sigut un gran dia també! He quedat a les 10 del matí a North Vancouver amb en Mario per anar a Capilano Suspension Bridge. Un bosc espectacular amb passarel·les de fusta que van per entre els arbres, vorejant de penya-segats i amb un pont molt llarg que creua d'una banda a una altra del riu.

Amb en Mario!

És com bastant turístic (algun racó sembla que estiguis a Port Aventura jejeje), i ha valgut una pasta! Però un dia és un dia, i s'havia de veure! Jutgeu vosaltres mateixos!

A l'ambient, ja es comença a respirar olor de Nadal... Aquest any té pinta que el passaré entre plats bruts, però igualment estem preparant alguna sorpreseta pel blog. No avanço res més que ja he parlat massa! jejeje

Total, aquí hem passat el matí. I a la tarda en Mario m'ha proposat d'anar a uns jardins on hi havia unes amigues seves. El lloc també és preciós, i a la primavera o a la tardor deu ser apostuflant! A part hi ha unes bones vistes de Downtown, no se si s'apreciaran a la foto...

I això és el que ha donat de sí el parèntesi! Tal com he arribat a casa he dormit com 2 hores, i demà penso dormir bastant més. Que encara es nota el cansament... Però lo millor, és que ja queda menys pel següent cap de setmana! :)


Unfortunately the weekend is coming to its end... It is 12 o'clock so it is not Sunday anymore...
I start at 6 at the restaurant, so there is still weekend ahead, but won't be for long! :)

I had an amazing weekend! I am so happy because I took a lot of advantage of it. And I had been able to forget about the dishes!

I spent Saturday morning at home Skypeing with Carla, and taking it easy... At midday I went to fix something about my paycheck at the restaurant. Because I worked more hours that what they paid me, but it was just a little mistake and everything is fixed now!

After the restaurant I went to get a ticket for the afternoon's cinema, I got something to eat ass well and I went for a picnic at Standley Park. It was so sunny but kind of cold, you can notice that the temperature had decreased. Tomorrow the forecast talks about a maximum of 8 ºC and a minimum of 1 ºC.

So I got cold and I spent the rest of the afternoon in a Starbucks getting warm again before the film that started at 6:50. I saw Cloud Atlas!! The film was awesome! I really recommend it!

^ ^ ^ You can see the trailer up there! ^ ^ ^

Going out from the cinema I met Albert and his friends and later I went home...

Sunday, has been a wonderful day too! I met Mario at 10 in the morning in North Vancouver and we went to Capilano Suspension Bridge. It is a gorgeous forest with catwalks through the trees and the cliffs. And also a big bridge that cross the ribber. 

It's kind of touristic, and is very expensive! But it was really worth it, we must saw it! You can judge by your self if it was worth it or not!

At the atmosphere you can start to smell of Christmas... This year I will spend it between dirty dishes, but we are preparing some little surprise for the blog. I can not say anything else because I have talked too much! jejeje

Ok, so we spent the morning there and then at the afternoon Mario told me to go with some friends of him to another park. It was also very nice, but at fall or at spring it has to be wonderful too!! There are also good views of the city from there, and that's always good! 

And that was all my weekend! As soon as I got home I slept for 2 hours and tomorrow morning I will get up as late as I can too. I am still kind of tired... But the best is that next weekend is closer now! :)

divendres, 23 de novembre del 2012

Vida fora del restaurant...

Senyores i senyors, això s'acaba!

Espero poder deixar de penjar coses al blog referents a la feina, a com rento plats i com m'ha anat a el restaurant! Es veu que hi ha vida fora del restaurant, i aquest cap de setmana ho comprovaré!

Demà és divendres, i per tant l'últim dia de feina abans de la treva de dos dies que tindré! I penso viure aquests dos dies com si no hi hagués demà! Tinc en ment una llista ben llarga de coses a fer.
Prefereixo no avançar esdeveniments, perquè després passa el que passa i no acabes fotent ni l'ou...

Però pel que ha de servir aquest cap de setmana és per a descansar, desconnectar totalment i agafar la setmana que ve amb energies renovades i moltes ganes. Que per endavant tindré 5 nits més de sauna, aigua a pressió, i esquitxades de puré de patates i sofregits!! jajajaja

Doncs res, de moment això és tot! Me'n vaig dormir!

Ai, ja me'n descuidava! Cadascú des del seu racó de Món particular, i aprofitant els 7 dies de prova de multiconferència gratuïta de l'Skype... Avui al matí he tingut un retrobament mític amb la Karin, la Roser, l'Erin i la Gemma! (per cert, si algú més vol fer una videotrucada a mil bandes, ara és el moment. Em queden 6 dies de prova, després ja mai més! Avisats esteu! jajajaja)

D'esquerra a dreta: Karin, Gemma, Roser i Erin.

Ladies and gentlemen that's getting to the end!

I hope to stop making post about my work, how I am washing dishes and the restaurant! I had been told that there is life outside the restaurant, and this weekend I will check!

Tomorrow is Friday, so it is the last day before the ceasefire of two days that I will have ahead! I am planning to live those two days as if there won't be tomorrow. I have in mind a long list of things to do. I prefer not to say anything yet, just in case I will waste those days lying at home...

The point of this weekend will be to rest and unplug myself totally from the job. So I can start again next week full of energy and cheerful. Because ahead I will have 5 days of sauna, pressurized water and splashes of smashed potato and tomato sauce! :S

That's all by now see you soon and have a good night!

Ups, I almost forget! Everyone from his or her own corner of the world, and taking advantage of the 7 days free trial version of Multiconference at Skype... I had meet again with Karin, Roser, Erin and Gemma! (If somebody else wants to make a video-call with more than two people, it's now or never! I still have 6 days of the trial version, after them never again!)

dijous, 22 de novembre del 2012


Estic cansat.
Bona nit!


I'm tired.
Good night!

dimarts, 20 de novembre del 2012

Després de la tempesta, ve la calma!

Ahir el pitjor dia a la feina fins al moment. Vaig aconseguir mantenir un col·lapse total durant 7 hores i mitja! Les 7 hores i mitja més llargues de la meva vida! Vaig arribar a les 3 i picu a casa baldat i sense ànims de tornar-hi el següent dia. Era el quart dia de feina seguit, i el primer dels 5 dies consecutius que treballaré un altre cop de nit. Només de pensar-hi em feia vertigen! XD

Avui he anat a la feina (evidentment) i he tingut un dia plàcid, amb moments puntuals d'estrès, xo controlables. He tingut la taula dels plats bruts, mig buida la major part de la nit, tal com entraven els plats sortien. I a proposta dels xefs hem pogut tancar la cuina a la una en comptes de la una i mitja.

Endevineu qui ha pogut agafar un dels últims Skytrains a casa! Sí!! Jo!! Com ho saps!!??

He arribat abans de les 2!! No hi cap tanta felicitat en un sol post a aquest blog!!! He tornat amb la música a tope, cantant i saltant pel carrer sota la pluja, escoltant Little Talks de Of Monsters and Men (si sabeu quina cançó és ja us podeu imaginar el grau de felicitat).

Podré anar a dormir d'hora, demà em llevaré com la gent normal a una hora decent! (Diguem que entre 8 i 9 del matí). Podré fer una bogada, i potser tirar algun currículum a algun Cine!

Sí, a un Cine! Avui ho he decidit! Si a les productores no m'hi volen provarem sort als cines! A veure si puc trobar feina de projector! A que seria xulo!! No puc imaginar una començament millor per una "batalleta" de les de quan era jove: -Si per que jo quan era jove i feia de Projector en un cinema de Vancouver... (Ah que sona bé? A veure com seguirà la batalleta aquesta! jajajajaja)

Demà a les 6 s'entornem-hi fins a les 1:30! Qui sap potser demà puc pillar també l'Skytrain! Però lo millor de tot és que dels 5 dies de feina que tenia per endavant ja només me'n queden tres! I aquest divendres si tot va bé, que hi anirà, tindré el meu primer sou de 4 xifres i amb contracte legal i tot!! Sí, sí! :)

Llàstima que hagi hagut de creuar mig Món per aconseguir-ho! 

Ja se sap, el millor remei contra la vida és l'optimisme! I ja pot funcionar ja, perquè la setmana que ve en necessitaré i molt! Ja han sortit els horaris dels torns al restaurant. I sí, torno a tenir 5 dies (de dilluns a divendres) torn de nit! Però això ja és una altra història! Jejejeje

Bona nit i fins aviat!

Per cert! Ja hem votat!! El meu vot a les CUP està de camí a Barcelona, ho dic per si algun "PPero democràta" el vol interceptar! XD


The calm after the storm!

Yesterday, worst day ever at work (by now)! I achieved to keep the maximum chaos for 7 hours and a half! The longer 7:30 hours in my life! I arrived exhausted at home at 3ish and without willingness to get to work next day. It was the forth day in a row, and the first of five more that I will work again at night shift. I could not stand to think about it! XD

Today I got to work (obviously) and I had a great day, with some moments of stress, but totally under control. I had the dish space pretty clean most of the night. And the chef told us to try to finish at 1 o'clock instead of at 1:30.

Guess who got one of the last Skytrains to go home! Yes!! It was me!!

I arrived before 2:00!! There is no way of telling you all the happines that I have only in one post!! I came back home singing and jumping by the street under the rain. Listening Little Talks from Of Monsters and Men (if you know the song, I'm sure you will be able to guess the degree of happiness).

I will be able to wake up early around 8 or 9, like the common people. I will be able to go to the laundry, and maybe trough some resumés to some Cinemas!   

Yes, a cinema! Today I decided it! If there is no luck with the film production companies, I will try to be lucky in the cinema! I would like to be the one that pres play to the film! jajajaja Would it be cool or what!? I can not imagine a better beginning for a story: - When I was young and I used to work as a projectionist in a Cinema in Vancouver... (I can not wait to see how the story follows!)

Tomorrow at 6 again to work until 1:30! Maybe I can catch again the skytrain, who knows!
But the best is that from the five days that I had ahead, there are only three! And maybe this friday, I will get my first salary around of $1000 and with contract!

It is a pitty that I had to cross half world to get this...

It is known that the best treatment against live is optimism! And it should work properly, because I will needed it so much next week! The schedules for next week are posted in the restaurant. And I had again night shift for the five days! But this is another story! ;)

Good night and see you soon!

divendres, 16 de novembre del 2012

Un vot més per la Independència!

Catalans. Catalanes. Ja el tenim aquí!

Finalment ha arribat el sobre del Vot Per Correu! Demà mateix al mati sortirà cap on s'hagi d'enviar!

Sé que el vot hauria de ser secret. A mi no em fa res dir a qui voto, no trobo que m'hagi d'amagar de res. I per poc que em conegueu, ja en deveu tenir-ne una idea... però tot i això farem una mica de campanya electoral! Així aprofitaré el blog per a donar suport a un partit, que al no presentar-se a les últimes eleccions a la generalitat, no té dret a espai televisiu ni radiofònic a les ràdios i televisions públiques catalanes.

Jo voto i demano tenir en consideració de votar a les CUP Candidatura d'Unitat Popular. Són independentistes, d'esquerres, defensen la inversió en l'estat del benestar (Sanitat i educació), s'oposen a la nacionalització del deute privar (als rescats dels Bancs amb diner públic), i defensen una millor repartició de la riquesa (qui tingui més que pagui més impostos). Són aire fresc, gent nova, amb bones idees, energia i ganes canviar les coses! Que prou falta que ens fa!

Sembla ser que als Ajuntaments on governen o tenen representació, n'estan força contents! Són gent del poble, organitzada. No són els botiflers de sempre, ni els retalladors professionals de CIU, ni el PSC escombrant cap a Madrid, ni l'ERC apoltronada al parlament, ni el molt honorable senyor expresident del Barça.

Si teníeu pensat votar alguna opció independentista, d'esquerres i que miri pel poble, considereu aquesta opció. I sinó també! Després feu el que vulgueu, voteu a qui sigui, o no voteu si no us dona la gana, però considereu-la!


Vinga doncs a votar, que tot està per fer i tot és possible!


This is the first post, where I will not traduce literally. Sorry. But I think there is no point in traduce it, I would rather prefer to explain what this is all about to the readers from abroad of Catalonia.

Today I received the letter that allows me to vote by mail in the next Elections for the Catalan Parliament.

They are the next 25th of November. So pay attention to the TV, because I'm pretty sure that our little spot in the map will appear in the news that day.

If you know me, I'm sure that you know what all this is about, because I had told you many times maybe. But if not, let me make a little resume.

The main point is that in Catalonia nowadays we are living an historical moment. After long long years, we are getting closer to something that some years ago was unimaginable. The people is rising their voice in pro of the independence of our country, Catalonia.

There is something like the perfect storm ahead (a lot of different variables that has turned to meet together). And all this variables are the ones that make possible to say that we had never been closer to the independence before.

A resume of some of these variables are:

- Some of us, we are not feeling Spaniards. It is not something that we say to make Spain get angry. It is something that we don't feel. Like a Canadian feel Canadian, and a German feels German, we feel Catalan and we can not feel any other way, that's all.

- Catalan people wants to talk freely in Catalan (our mother tongue), as we had always tried to do.

- Catalan Language had always been attacked from the governs of Spain in Madrid, even before from Franco's times. Maybe for ignorance, political reasons, and because they can not understand why the hell we are not talking in Spanish (even if everyone in Catalonia knows and is able to speak in Spanish).

- In September the 11th of 2014, it will be the 300 anniversary of the defeat of Barcelona in front of the king Felip V troups, the first Bourbon. So it will be the anniversary of 300 years of oppression against Catalan culture. I must say that most of the Catalan people are against the Spanish monarchy.

- After Franco's Dictatorship, we had arrived and Agreement (Constitution) between all the parts of Spain, in order to live "free" and in peace. This agreement, our constitution, hadn't been revised since after Franco's death. And nowadays, it is obsolete, and Spanish government only interpret it the way they want, to warn and to scare all the possible reformists, and separatists.

- Spanish parties, and also the Government, had been wining votes dividing the society, and criticizing Catalan people, Basc people, and any other that hadn't follow their ideas. We had reach a level of intolerance, insults and humiliations that we can not stand anymore.  

- The economic crisis had put the focus into the money that Spain has stolen from Catalonia every year from ages. We pay our taxes to Spanish Government, who has to return part of it to our Regional Government and use another part for general inversions.
For some decades, we paid our taxes, but the Spanish Goverment hadn't made the proper investments in our services. We had never been paid back the amount of money that we was supposed to receive. We are not talking about only some thousand euros, we are talking about billions.

- With the economic crisis, Spanish Goverment (like in many other countries in Europe) has the perfect excuse for cutting the invest in the public sectors, like Education and Sanity (the most important cuts, but not the only ones). They are privatizing all the public services, instead of cutting their salaries, increasing the taxes to the big fortunes of the country, and persecute the tax evasion.

- The only thing that they are making public is the debt of the Banks, that has to be paid with public money. Why has to be paid by our money! Why we don't let the banks broke? Why they had never distribute the benefits with the people, and now we have to share their debts? Why we have to pay their bad management? And why we are poor while they are still rich, and no one goes to jail?

I am not saying that with the independence, we won't have crisis. We will still have crisis, but we will manage our own money and pay for our own errors. Not the errors imposed from Madrid.
And it is a fact, that the smaller countries and economies are more likely to self-manage better, and face the changes needed to get out of the crisis.

We the Catalans had been and will always be a peaceful, democratic, and tolerant country inside of Europe. We don't want any confrontation or problems with anyone. The only thing that we are asking for is, to be asked about what do we want to do with our future. And this is one of the things that Spain is denying us.

Next November the 25th, Catalan people is asked to vote the people that will represent them for the next 4 years. And something more important, with this elections we are choosing also witch way we want to follow as a country. Because if Spain don't allows a Referendum about Independence, we can vote a Government that don't care about what Spain wants or doesn't want.

They are not going to make us shut up. They can not be against of a democratic and popular movement. So next November the 25th Catalans will talk!

Sorry about all this long text. But this is also a part of me, and I wanted to share it. 

Thanks for reading,


dijous, 15 de novembre del 2012

Síndrome de Diògenes Literari

Avui dia cultural! Bé, tant com cultural, potser no diríem... Deixem-ho amb que hem entrat a una llibreria! jajajaja

Amb certs remordiments per no practicar tant anglès com m'agradaria, avui al matí hem anat a comprar llibres! Tenim clitxat un carrer on hi ha dues llibreries de llibres de segona mà. En Jordi ja se n'havia comprat un fa unes setmanes, i avui hi hem tornat.

El lloc és increïble! Hi ha piles i piles i més piles de llibres amuntegats sense ordre aparent! És caòtic, només entrar ja fa olor de saviesa! Després vas veient que hi ha uns petits cartells a les estanteries on tens els llibres classificats per temàtiques o generes literaris.

I la botiga no s'acabava aqui, hi havia tot un soterrani, tant o més ple que a dalt, amb generes que anaven des de la Poesia Anglesa, Americana i Canadenca fins a una secció completa i mig amagada de llibres Nazis! (Suposo i espero que fos amb la única finalitat de predicar amb l'exemple de que no esta bé cremar llibres...)

Quan ja estas abraonat de tants i tants llibres preguntes al llibreter: - Perdoni, on puc trobar aquest llibre?- I ell se't queda mirant i et diu mirant-te amb una mirada incrèdula: -Estan per ordre alfabètic!

I sí, sí allà mateix ha quedat demostrada la teoria de que hi ha ordre dintre el caos! Tenia certes sospites, i havia intentat comprovar la hipòtesi mil vegades amb la meva habitació. Peró no ha sigut fins avui que ho puc afirmar amb certesa.

Al final m'he comprat un llibre d'en Paul Auster, titulat: The Book of Illusions. Algú l'ha llegit? Té bona pinta, espero pillar-lo perquè l'últim que vaig llegir d'en Paul, en anglès fa uns anys, el vaig acabar entenent pels pèls... jejeje

Fins aquí el nostre dia "cultural". Després me'n he anat a imprimir més currículums i a entregar-ne a més productores de vídeo. Fins que es cansin de mi, i em donin feina per pesat! A veure si tinc sort i en puc trobar alguna, encara que l'hagi de combinar amb el restaurant.

Ja us aniré informant! ;)
Una abraçada!


Today cultural day! Well maybe not 100% cultural... lets say that we had entered a bookshop! jajajaja

Starting to feel sorry for myself for the very few practice that I am doing to improve my English, this morning we went to buy some books! We know a street that has two second hand books stores. Jordi had already bought one, weeks ago and today we went again.

The place is amazing! There are books all over the floor and the shelf, with no order at all! It's chaotic, the first moment you enter you can smell wisdom! Little by little you are discovering little signs on the shelf with the topics or the literary genres.

And the shop is much bigger, there is a basement, as ful as the street floor, were you can find from Canadian, English and American Poetry until Nazi books. (I hope that is in pro of the history and to not forget the errors of the past, more than for propaganda... :S )

When you are sick and tired of looking to books, you ask to the shop assistant: - Excuse me, where can I find this book?- So he stares at you and answer: - They are in alphabetical order!

So it was the exact moment where it has been proven that there is order in the chaos! I had some suspicions about it, and I tryied so hard to proven this hypothesis with my untidy room. But it had been today that it finally had been proven! 

Finally I bought a Paul Auster's book titled The Book of Illusions. Somebody has read it? It looks good, I hope to understand everything! Because the last Paul Auster book, written in English that I read some years ago, was kind of dificult to understand... Finally i succeed, but it was hard... jejeje

So that Was all our "cultural" day! After this I went to print and send more resumes to some film production companies. I hope I'll get a job even if it because they are tired of my resumes! Anything would be fine, even if I has to combine it with the restaurant!

I will keep you updated! ;)

diumenge, 11 de novembre del 2012

He sobreviscut a la primera setmana de feina!

Com últimament passa, és tardíssim (bé avui no tant, només són les 3:30 de la matinada). Acabo d'arribar de treballar i estic baldat! Sort que demà tinc el dia lliure!!

Avui a la cuina ho hem petat! He arribat i hi havia un nou company rentant plats, (nou per que no el coneixia, no per que fos nou en el bussiness, portava 4 anys rentant plats m'ha dit! Flipa!) i entre tres hem deixat la cuina neta i polida en un segon! Mai abans m'havia passat d'acabar els plats i tenir tot endreçat.

Total, com que la cosa anava tant bé (tot i ser un dissabte a la nit, amb bastanta gent), un dels companys se n'ha anat a fer de "pintxe" i al cap d'un rato s'hi ha sumat l'altre. Així doncs, m'he quedat sol amb tot el marron... I jo sol he mantingut la cuina impecable, durant 2 hores ben bones! Tal com venien els plats marxaven! Impressionant!

Peró tot lo bo s'acaba, i en algun moment hi ha hagut un pic de feina o una baixada del ritme per part meva i se m'ha començat a acumular tot una altra vegada! Hi havia de tot! Olles, safates, plats, coberts, fustes de tallar el menjar... I tot brut! Quin estrès! Al veure'm engolit pels plats, han vingut els companys a rescatar-me i entre tots amb una horeta ho hem tornat a arreglar...

Peró això no és el millor, després d'això tot ha tornat a anar tant fluid que era la una i mitja que ja estava tot net i apunt per plegar... Per tant el colega, ha dit:- Ja has tancat la cuina alguna vegada, oi?- i com que la resposta era afirmativa ha fet un "doncs aquí et quedes!" XD

Per mi millor, per que no em feia massa gràcia plegar abans i cobrara una hora menys com a recompensa per haver-ho fet bé! Així que allà m'he quedat fins les 2:30 anant rentant piano piano, sense estressar-me!

I com cada nit, he tancat la cuina, m'he canviat i corrent a pillar el bus!

La setmana que ve, em canvien el torn, i a partir de dimecres o dijous treballaré de 12 a 7 de la tarda! No us ho podeu ni imaginar el luxe que serà poder agafar l'Skytrain per anar cap a casa!!! :)

Doncs res, bonanit i tapat! Fins la pròxima!!


Like it is used to be, it's very late (today it's only half past three in the morning) I had just arrived from work and I am exhausted! I\m lucky that tomorrow it\s my day off!!

Today at the kitchen we have rocked it! When I came there was a new mate cleaning dishes (new because it was the first time I met him; he had been working there for 4 years!) so with the three of us we clean all the kitchen in a second! I was never happened to me before to finish all the dishes in the kitchen and have everything tidy.

As the things was going so smooth (even it was a busy Saturday night) one of the colleges went to help to the cooks, and few minutes later went also the other. So I got alone in front of all the dishes... And I had been able to keep everything tidy and clean for around 2 hours! As the dishes came in, some others came out! Amazing!

But everything has to come to an end, and I don't know if t was for a pick of work or for a drop in the rhythm , but everything became really really messy again! There was pans, trays, cutlery, dishes everywhere! And everything dirty! I was extremely stressed! So seeing that I was threatened by an army of dirty dishes, my colleges came to rescue me! And within an hour everything was alright again.

But this is not the best! Because everything was so smooth again than at half past one we had all the work done! So the mate told me: -do you know how to close the kitchen?- as the answer was affirmative he told me: "so it's all yours!" jejeje
It was good for me, because I was not tempted by the idea of leaving one hour earlier and lost the money of one hour of work. So I stood there cleaning dishes without stressing me so much, until 2:30 when the cooks finished their work.

And like everyday, I closed, I changed my work cloth, and I run to the bus stop! 

Next week, they'll change my shift. And by Wednesday I will be working from 12 to 7at the afternoon! You can not imagine what suppose to me to be able to catch the Skytrain to came back home! :)

So that's all by now, good night to everyone!
See you soon!

dissabte, 10 de novembre del 2012

Jo de gran vull ser Dishwasher!

Mare, Pare sento molt els diners que us he fet gastar amb la carrera de Belles Arts, però he descobert la meva vocació! Vull rentar plats!! Jajajajajaj

Ja no hauria d'haver fet Batxillerat, hauria d'haver acabat la ESO inextremis, saltar-me la formació professional i anar directament a un restaurant per aprendre l'ofici!

Un missatge, a tots els menors que llegiu això! Traieu-vos la ESO com pogueu i ni us plantegeu seguir estudiant, tots a rentar plats que mola! Total de què et serveix Batxillerat, per a pillar el sarcasme, la ironia i la hipèrbole d'aquest post. Doncs ja veus! jajaja

No ara en serio! Estic molt content! No estic fent vídeos, però tot arribarà! I la veritat, és que no pensava que ho acabés disfrutant i tot! No negaré que la feina és durilla, i a vegades desagradable... Però m'està servint per a treure'm manies de sobre, conèixer gent, i espavilar-me a treballar molt i depresa! Tot aixó sense tenir en compte les practiques d'anglès, i la pasta que em guanyaré...

Reconec que al principi del primer dia vaig pensar: - Buf no sé quan duraré aquí! - i la incògnita segueix a l'aire... Xo veig molt factible estar-hi tranquil·lament el temps que faci falta... 

Avui m'han donat un llibret explicant la feina del Rentaplats, i hi ha algunes fotos, a veure si les puc penjar demà d'alguna manera per a que us feu una idea de com és el lloc i la feina en general!

Doncs res, me'n vaig a dormir que torna a ser tard, he treballat de 7 a 2:30 i he arribat a casa vora les 4 de la matinada... I què he fet? Doncs de cap a l'ordinador, clar que sí!
De fet pensava que havia quedat ara per a fer un Skype, peró anava mal fixat! Em vaig centrar tant a calcular les hores que ens portàvem de diferència, que em vaig descuidar de tenir en compte el dia que havíem quedat... jajajajaj

Doncs res! Només era això, donar senyals de vida, dir-vos que la feina va bé, i que estic molt content!

Una abraçada a tots i totes! I fins aviat!

Mom, Dad I'm so sorry about the money that I made you waste in my Fine Arts Degree, but I had finally discovered my real vocation. I want to be Dishwasher!

I should better hadn't done my high school, I should better stop studying as soon as I got the chance, and go straight to a restaurant to learn the job!

A message to all the young people that would read this! Quit studies as soon as you can and go to clean dishes that it's cool! At the end what did I learn after high school, only to be able to distinguish the sarcasm, the irony and the hyperbole of this post! So what! jajajajaja

Ok, now seriously! I'm so happy! I am not making videos, but everything will come in the due time! And the truth is that I'd never thought that I could really enjoy this job! I won't deny that the job is hard, and some times disgusting... But it is helping me to get rid of some manias, knowing people, and get used to work a lot and fast! Without taking in consideration also the English and the money that I will get...

It is true that at the beginning of the first day, I thought: -I don't know how much I will last doing this job! - And the mystery is still in the air... But I'm not afraid about working there as much as I it's needed!

Today I had given a book telling everything about the Dishwasher's job, and there are some pictures on it. I will try to put some here so you canknow how is the place and my job in general!

OK, I'm going to sleep that it's so late, I had worked from 7 to 2:30 and I had arrived at home at four o'clock in the morning... What is the first thing I did? To switch on the computer!
Actually I thought that I had an appointment by Skype at 5:00 but I was wrong! I was worried calculating the hours of difference between Barcelona and Vancouver that I hadn't pay attention about the day of the appointment...  jejeje

That's all! I was only willing to give proves of live, told you that the job is going well, and that I am very happy!

Hughs and kisses! See you soon!

dijous, 8 de novembre del 2012

1er Dia de Feina!!! No té desperdici!

La foto està feta d'estrangis a la cuina del restaurant, al final del torn.
Però almenys us podeu fer una idea de les pintes que porto! Super professional! jejeje
El primer dia de feina ha sigut tota una aventura! Són les 6 de la matinada i acabo d'arribar a casa! Ha sigut un dia etern!!!!

Primer se m'ha fet llarg el matí, no arribaven mai les 5, l'hora en que havia de començar a treballar.

Un cop a la cuina, i havent-me fet la presentació, tot ha anat sobre rodes. Molta feina, un no parar tot el rato, moments de màxim estres altres més relaxats, però un continuu anar i venir de plats, coberts, olles, i utensilis varis.

Al ser el primer dia, el meu torn era curtet. De 5 a 10. Peró m'han proposat que si em volia quedar fins al final de la festa i així m'ensenyaven com ho recollien tot, els donava un cop de mà i ja ho podria fer jo un altre dia. Jo, k com més hores em donin millor, he acceptat sense ni pensar-m'ho.

Total que he acabat fent un torn de 8 hores i mitja. Amb un quart d'hora de descans, on s'han enrotllat i m'han regalat el sopar (per ser el primer dia). Els pròxims dies em costarà 4 dollars sopar allà, no esta malament tampoc, pensant que els clients deuen pagar un ull de la cara i deixen el ronyó de propina! jejeje

Total que eren la una i mitja, que plegava. I cap a les 2 que sortia per la porta. En teoria hi havien busos fins les tres. L'he anat a esperar a la parada, i esperant esperant se m'han fet les 3. Ja em veieu a mi sol a la parada, pensant marxo no marxo, amb el neguit aquell de segur k ara marxo i just passa.

Ha arribat un punt on he vist claríssimament que aquell bus mai més vindria. Tenia dues opcions, la barata o la cara. La cara, pillar un taxi fins a casa, que em costaria casi tres hores de les treballades a la cuina. La barata, com que eren les tres i a les 5 obren l'Skytrain, me'n vaig a un Starbucks, em prenc una hot chocolate per entrar en calor, i m'espero allà fins que obrin.

Total m'he esperat dues horetes allà, i a les 5 me'n he anat tot cofoi cap a la parada de metro. I resulta que el primer no és a les 5, sinó a les 5:30! Ale tornem a l'Starbucks i després del 2n hot chocolate, ja he pogut pillar el tren.

Peró la epopeia no acaba aquí. Al arribar a la estació de vora a casa, hi ha uns bussos que ens deixen a tocar de casa. Tenen uns horaris que mai ens coincideixen, i són difícils de pillar xk o no hi son, o t'has d'esperar molt. Total que pensava: al ser el primer tren, coincidirà amb el primer bus segur, i no hauré casi ni de caminar.

Doncs que va! Tal com baixava les escales, he vist l'autobús enfilant carrer amunt! El conductor tenia pressa i no s'ha esperat ni als passatgers del primer tren...

Així doncs, xino xano cap a casa. Gaudint de la nit, d'un cel ras estrellat on es començava a intuir la claror del sol, i de la gespa gebrada. Sí estava tota glaçada, brillant com si tingués purpurina i feia crec-crec al trepitjar-la.

Finalment tot i les mil peripècies ha sigut un molt bon dia!! :)


First day at work had been an adventure! It's 6 o'clock in the morning and I'd just arrived home. It had been eternal!

At the morning, hours passed so slow until five that was my entering hour.

Once in the kitchen after the presentation and some talk, everything went smooth. A lot of work, non stop all the time, moments with maximum stress other calmly moments. But non stop of dishes, pans cutlery coming all night long!

For being my first day, my shift was short. From 5PM to 10PM. But the asked me if I would like to stay until the end of the party so I could learn how the close, and be more helpful. I hadn't hesitated, the more hours the better, so I accepted.

Finally I had done a shift of 8 hours and a half. With 15 minutes brake for dinner. As it was my first day, I had been invited to have the meal for free. After that I I will have to pay four dollars, but it is a very classy restaurant so for sure it is more than a big discount!

So it was half past one when I finished. And at two I was going out from the restaurant. In theory, there was a bus until late at night. I had been waiting it until 3 o'clock, but then I realised that there will be no other bus tonight... So I had two options, the cheap one or the expensive one.

The expensive one was to take a taxi that would cost me about three of the hours that I had worked tonight. The cheap one, was to wait in a Starbucks until 5 that was the first Skytrain to home.
I had been waiting for two hours, and I went to the station. But the I was wrong, the first Skytrain was at half past five! So I went to a kind of Starbucks again for another hot chocolate! And the finally I could took the Skytrain.

But the adventure wasn't over. I thought that as i was traveling in the first train, I would take the first bus at the bus station for sure. But while I was going down through the stairs of the station I saw my bus going away without waiting for the first train passengers.

So I had been walking home without a hurry watching an amazing clear sky with lots of stars, and the first signs that the sun was coming. And also I walked through the frosted grass, sparkling like glitter, and making sound on every step. 

At the end, even with all this adventure it had been such a great day! :)

dijous, 1 de novembre del 2012

Ja tinc feina!

Sí, sí! Ja tinc feina!

Després de tots aquests dies tirant currículums a 34 productores de vídeo i cinema; a 13 botigues de càmeres, fotos, i coses per l'estil. Sense cap resultat (de moment). He començat el plan B.

Ahir vaig començar a tirar currículums a Restaurants. I ahir mateix ja em van trucar, vaig tenir una entrevista. I quan avui hi he tornat, ja m'han dit que la setmana que ve començaran a ensenyar-me tot com va!

Així doncs, la setmana que ve començo a rentar plats! jejejeje

No és el k estava buscant, però s'ha de pagar el pis, i el menjar i tot plegat... Així que la setmana que ve començo a treballar en un restaurant! Serà divertit, i coneixeré molta gent que també ja toca! A part, mai he treballat en un restaurant fins ara, i crec que m'agradarà!

Segueixo obert a si em truquen d'alguna empresa de vídeo (i seguiré insistint), però almenys ja puc estar tranquil una temporada.

El restaurant pinta molt bé, és així com de categoria, la gent és molt maca, sembla ser que cobraré bé, és a jornada completa i faré moltes hores, per tant segurament podré estalviar i tot! :)

Així que estic molt content!

No tinc cap foto del restaurant... Però us ensenyo almenys com es veu des del googlemaps. jajajaja


Yes, I have a job!

After some weeks sending resumes to 34 film and cinema production companies; to 13 shops of cameras, photography and things like that. Without any luck (by the moment). I had started my B plan.

Yesterday I started to send resumes to restaurants. And yesterday I had also the first interview. Today I had to came back for another interview, and they told me that I am starting the training next week!

So next week I start as a Dish Washer! jejeje

It is not exactly what I was looking for, but I must pay the rent and the bills. So next week I start at the restaunarnt! It will be funny, I will meet a lot of people, and that's always good! In addition, I had never worked in a restaurant, and I think that it will be a good experience!

I keep myself interested in working in a film producton comapny, and I will keep trying. But at least I will not have to worry for the money for a while.

The restaurant looks great, it's a cool place, people seems so sweet, seems that I will have a good salary, and it's full time so I will be able to save some money too. :)

So I am so happy! 

I have no pictures of the restaurant... But I can show you how it looks like from google maps. jejeje