diumenge, 30 de desembre del 2012

2012 Petit Resum

El 2012 ha sigut un any molt dur per a tothom. Tot i això, hi ha hagut una pila de coses bones dignes de recordar amb un somriure!

Aquí hi ha un petit resum de les meves. Espero que n'hagueu tingut tantes o més que jo, i que l'any vinent no es faci tant difícil de trobar coses que ens arranquin un somriure a tots plegats!


2012 had been a really tough year for everyone. Nevertheless, there had been a lot of things that are worth to be remembered with a smile!

Here there is a brief summary of mines. I hope you had as many or more than me, and that next year it would not be so difficult to find things that steal a smile from all of us!

dissabte, 29 de desembre del 2012

Sants Innocents! ;)

Espero que hagueu passat un bon dia de...

Una abraçada! ;)

divendres, 28 de desembre del 2012

Canvi radical

Feia molt de temps k no sabia que fer amb els pels que portava. I també feia molt de temps que volia fer un canvi bastant radical, i deixar d'anar sempre amb el cabell curt.

Així k a Canadà, amb l'excusa de que no em coneix ningú, m'estava deixant créixer el cabell. Però ha arribat a un punt on no puc més, m'entrava als ulls em molestava, no m'agradava de tot com em quedava.


Així k he decidit fer un canvi encara més radical. M'he fet una cresta com deu mana! Res de mitges tintes, una crestaca! XD
I aquest n'és el resultat! A la foto es veu molt xungo, però al natural no es veu tant tant radical! :)

Espero que us agradi! ;)
Una abraçada, bona nit! Espero que hagueu passat un bon dia de...


It was for a long time, that I didn't know what to do with my hair.. And it was also for a long time that I would like to do a radical change, because I had always been with very short hair. 

In Canada with the excuse that nobody knew me, and nobody really cares about my hair, I let it grow more than I used to let it. but it became unconfortable, some hairs was coming into my eyes, and I really didn't like it t all neither.

So I decided to change even more my look. I got a Mohawk haircut!

And that's the result! Into the picture it seems so extreme but on the mirror don't look so radical! :)

Hope you like it! ;)
Hugs, have a good night! I hope you had had a good day of...

dimecres, 26 de desembre del 2012

Such a Great Christmas (even beeing far from home)

Primer Nadal fora de casa. El balanç és prou positiu. S'ha trobat a faltar la família, sí! Però és una de les conseqüències del marxar lluny i ja m'ho esperava... A part hem tingut una molt bona companyia per a compensar la distància a la que ens trobem de casa!

La nit del 24 vam fer un sopar nadalenc amb un gall d'indi espectacular, amb la bona companyia de Natalie i en Darcy, en Dan, l'Omar, en Tom i en Jordi, en un pis amb unes vistes espectaculars a Downtown!

Vistes del BC Place Stadium
Vistes de Vancouver amb el Cirque du Soleil en primer terme,
un dels punt taronges del fons és casa nostra!

Va ser una gran nit on no hi va faltar de res, vam riure molt i ens ho vam passar d'allò més bé!!

Al arribar a casa, teníem el nostre particular regal de Nadal esperant-nos. Just al matí havia arribat una caixa des de Barcelona de part de la family!! Amb tot de coses útils, bones i emocionants, com dues postal dels tiets i cosins/es, una dels pares i la sister i una dels avis! Aquesta última tenia una sorpresa extra, la recepta secreta de la meva Àvia de la seva típica carn a la milanesa! (Bonissíssima, si no heu tingut el plaer de provar-la, palabra!) A veure si algun dia m'atreveixo a fer-la!

En acabar vaig penjar a correcuita el missatge institucional del post anterior... i me'n vaig anar a dormir que a les 7 del matí havia quedat amb la family per a fer un skype des de casa els avis amb la família al complet!

La family!

Al final per a problemes tècnics, no es va poder fer, però almenys vaig poder parlar amb tots per telèfon! Ja va ser un bon Nadal, al poder xerrar amb valtrus!! :)

Després, vaig tenir un regalet sorpresa de'n Jordi! I tot seguit vam començar a preparar els trastos per anar a esquiar amb tota la colla del sopar! Va ser un gran dia d'esquí on vam intentar seguir el ritme a una colla de snowborders i esquiadors professionals! Un bon repte! Amb dies així aprens més que amb 10 classes d'esquí juntes! I això sempre és bo!

Our Christmass Team!

Resumint, tot i estar lluny de la família ha estat un gran Nadal!! :)


First Christmas far from home. It had been really good. Yes, I missed my family! But it is one of the consequences of living abroad, and I knew it so... And we have had a great company to compensate the huge amount of miles that we are away from home!

On Christmas Eve we had a wonderful Christmas dinner with a gorgeous turkey, and the best of companies with Natalie and Darcy, Dan, Omar, Tom and Jordi in a flat with amazing views in Downtown!

It was such a great night! There was all what you can expect of a Canadian Christmas and more, we laught a lot and had a great great time!

Ones when we got home, we had our particular present from Barcelona! At this very morning, we just received a box from the family! Full of useful, tasty and emotional things, like postcards from all the family, and a recipe of my grandma's typical Christmas meat!! If you've never tried, I promise you that it's just amazing!  I will try to cook it someday...

Once we finished, uploaded the video of the last post... And I went to sleep, that at 7 I arranged a meeting by skype with all my family at my Grandparents home!

Finally, due to technical problems it was not possible, but at least I was able to talk with all them by phone!! It was a great Christmas for the fact of talking with them! :)

That morning, I had a surprise present from Jordi! And then we arranged everything to go to ski with all the ones who we had dinner with last night! It was a great skiing day where we tried so hard to follow to a team of professional snowboarders and skiers! Such a great challenge! With that kind of days you learn more than in 10 ski classes! And that's always good!

Summing up, even the fact of beeing far from home it had been a wonderful Christmas!!! :)

dimarts, 25 de desembre del 2012

Missatge Institucional

Com és típic cada Nadal, hi ha hagut missatge del rei a la tele. (No l'he vist, però ja us en puc fer un resum si voleu...)

Jo com a bon republicà, no serè menys i també he fet un missatge institucional per a desitjar-vos bones festes!

L'he fet ràpid, mancat de pressupost i recursos, i he hagut de córrer per a tenir-lo a punt per al dia de Nadal. Així que no tingueu massa en compte el resultat... jejeje Ara em fa vergonya... XD


As is typical every Christmass, there had been a king speech on TV. (I hadn't seen it but I can make you a summary, if you needed...)

I, as a good (European) republican (not American Republican), won't be less and I had also done a institutional message to wish you merry Christmas and a happy New Year!

I made it fast, without budged and low resources. I also had to run to get it for Christmas. So don't take the result very seriously... jejejeje Now I'm kind of embarrassed... XD

dimecres, 19 de desembre del 2012

Va de nevades!

Fa dos dies que ens llevem amb el barri enfarinat. Ja havia nevat un altre dia, però ara sembla tant poca cosa que no sé si val la pena mencionar-lo...

1a enfarinada / First snowfall

Ahir va nevar una mica, lo mínim per a il·lusionar els nens i col·lapsar una mica la ciutat. Com vaig dir al post anterior, hi havia el transit mig col·lapsat, un bus casi estampat contra un mur d'una casa i l'Skytrain a rebentar de gent.

Així estava ahir el nostre barri a primera hora del matí.

La neva d'ahir / Yestaerday's snowfall
Al tornar ahir nit, només quedava neu als llocs on no havien trepitjat i una mica de gel pel carrer.
I avui al llevar-nos ens hem trobat el barri així!

La nevada d'avui!! / Today's snowfall!!
Avui encara no hem sortit al carrer... si ahir ja estava tot mig col·lapsat, a saber com estarà avui que ha nevat el doble! I segueix nevant fort!!

Demà ja tornaré a penjar algun post explicant com ha sigut la epopeia d'anar i tornar de la feina aquesta tarda! M'enduré la càmera per a ensenyar-vos com està de nevat el barri i potser Downtown també.


It's been for two days that we wake up with a snowy neighborhood. It had snowed another day, but now seems so little snow that I don't know if its worth mention it...

Yesterday it snowed a little bit, just the necessary to make children happy and collapse a little bit the city. As I told in the last post, there was traffic jam, a bus almost crashed into a wall, and the Skytrain crowded.

Here a pictures of our neighborhood yesterday at first hour in the morning. (the blueish one)

When we came back home, there was only snow at places that hadn't been stepped.
And today, when we wake up we found our garden like this!

We hadn't went out of home by now today... If yesterday it was that messy the streets, I don't want to know how it would be today that it has snowed the double and keeps snowing hard.

Tomorrow, I will write another post again, showing how it was my trip to work this afternoon! I'll bring the camera with me so you can see more pictures of the neighborhood and downtown (maybe also snowy).

So f***ing amazing!

Avui un dia increïble a Cypress Mountain!

Qui va dir que a Vancouver no hi nevava?! Al llevar-nos ens hem trobat tot el barri nevat! I col·lapsat per la neu, cues de cotxes, un autobús que havia relliscat i casi s'havia estampat a una casa, i l'Skytrain ple de gent, molt ple de gent.

En Jordi i jo amb les botes penjant de la motxilla, plena a rebentar, amb els esquis els pals i tot plegat ens hem entaforat al Skytrain com hem pogut. Hem anat cap a North Vancouver amb el Seabus, i allà hem agafat un bus (que ha arribat uns 40 minuts tard) i que ens ha portat a les pistes.

Un cop allà, havia nevat moltíssim, feia un dia una mica emboirat, fred i ennuvolat però ha escampat i ha acabat fent un molt bon dia!

Al cap d'unes baixades ens hem trobat amb la Natalie i en Darcy, que estaven esquiant amb uns amics seus també i ens hi hem apuntat! En saben un munt, i és un plaer veure'ls esquiar! Fan molta enveja!
Per sort tenim tot un hivern per endavant per millorar i aprendre'n tant com pugui.

Com veieu portàvem tots unes ulleres molt útils, però una mica estrafolàries i a través d'elles semblava que encara fes més bon dia. Semblava que estiguessim dintre de la pel·lícula Vainilla Sky. Aquí hi ha algunes fotos retocades amb un to aproximat de com ho veiem tot!

La muntanya sense boira, és espectacular! I estan tant a tocar de la costa que es veu el pacífic des de dalt de tot! Increïble! En serio, no hi havia paraules per descriure-ho!

Veus llocs així, i t'adones que no et vas equivocar de país al escollir de venir! A Vancouver hi plou molt sí, però un dia com el d'avui compensa tota la pluja i més!

Cap a les tres quarts de quatre, en Darcy i la Natalie s'han retirat i naltrus ens hem quedat a aprofitar encara més el dia! A part, a les 4 ja es fa fosc, i a aquestes pistes també s'hi pot esquiar de nit i ens feia gràcia de provar-ho! Espectacular també!!

A les 5 i mitja ja estàvem rebentats, ja se'ns havia fet fosc, i ja havíem esquiat prou per tant ens hem retirat. Hem estat dintre del bar menjant algo i "descansant" fins a les 7:30 que baixava el bus cap a Downtown. Després un altre bus, Skytrain una altra vegada i eren les 9:30 que arribàvem a casa...

Ha estat un dia molt intens, divertit i que costarà d'oblidar! Segur que demà quan comenci a rentar plats m'ho prendré amb moltes més ganes, tot esperant el meu pròxim cap de setmana! Que de ben segur tornarà a tenir com a mínim un dia d'esquí! :)


Today, such an incredible day in Cypress Mountain!

Who was the one taht said that in Vancouver it never snows?! When we wake up we found our neighborhood full of snow! It was collapsed, trafic jam, a bus stacked that it was very near to crash into a wall, and the Skytrain full of people, really full of people!

Jordi and me, we took the boots, our backpack full of things, the skis the pulls and we did our best to fit into the Skytrain. We went until North Vancouver by Seabus, and there we took a bus (40 minuts late than it what it was supposed to be) to go to the resort.

Once there, it had snowed a lot, it was foggy, cold and cloudy, but later the sun came and finally we had a wonderful day!

After some descents we met Natalie and Darcy, they where skiing with some friends and we joined them! The really know how to ski, it's a pleasure to watch them skiing! I must admit that I feel envy of their stile and skills! Luckily we have a whole winter to improve and learn as much as we can! :D

As you can see, we were wearing a useful goggles, that looks funny and through their filter seemed that the day were even more gorgeous. It really seemed that we were inside of Vainilla Sky mobie.
Here I retouched some picture to let you imagine more or less how we were seeing everything!

The mountain without fog is amazing! It is so close to the coast that you can see the Pacific Ocean from the top! Incredible! Really, there are no words to describe it!

You find places like this and you realise that you weren't wrong in chosing this country! In Vancouver it always rains, yes, but days like this make it really worth it!

About between 3 and 4 at the afternoon, Darcy and Natalie left us, and we kept enjoying. Also at 4 it gets dark and the sun sets. We had never skied at night, and we wanted to try! It was amazing too!

At half past five, we were exhausted, it was completly dark, and we had enought ski for a day so we surrendered. We came in to the bar to eat something and resting until half past seven when we took our bus to Downtown. After another bus and the skytrain, it was half past nine that we were finally arriving home...

It was a really intense and funny day, it will be hard to forget! I'm sure that tomorrow when I'll start to wash dishes again, I will take it more calmly and enjoying more, thinking in next weekend! That I'm preatty sure that I am going to ski again at least for a day! :)

diumenge, 16 de desembre del 2012

Skiing in Cypress!

Quan ets al Canadà i carda fred, o t'estàs a casa o en treus profit! I això hem fet avui!

Amb el salari de les dues últimes setmanes he fet una inversió que penso recuperar en forma de bons moments i diversió! M'he tret un passe de temporada per una de les estacions d'esquí properes a Vancouver, i m'he comprat uns esquís de segona mà!

Aquest cap de setmana, tenia 4 dies de festa per canvis d'horaris abans de festes al restaurant. Vaig fer una crida per veure si algú s'apuntava a venir a esquiar i he tingut la sort de que la Natalie (una esquiadora canadenca professional) s'hi ha apuntat! :)

Ha fet un dia amb molta boira, i deien les previsions que estaríem a -2ºC o -3ºC però tot i això, ens hem abrigat i ens ho hem passat d'allò més bé!

No sé si per ser la primera esquiada des de fa un any, si per la quantitat i qualitat de la neu canadenca (massa bona), per la boira i que no es veia massa per on anaves, pels esquis nous o per qualsevol altre excusa barata que se'm pugui acudir... la qüestió és que he caigut més vegades en un dia que ens els últims cinc anys junts! jajajajjaja

Tot bé, no m'he fet pas mal, he caigut sobre tou! De fet ha sigut fins i tot divertit! I segons la Natalie, si no caus mai és que no estas esquiant al teu límit i com a conseqüència no millores. Així que li farem cas i a caure s'ha dit! XD

En la meva defensa, aquí teniu dues fotos de com estaven les pistes i pels llocs que hem intentat passar!

Ens hi hem estat bona una estona, i com que a la tarda ella treballava i la boria s'ha fet molt espessa hem anat plegant. Ha estat un molt bon dia!

Un cop a Downtown, he pillat un bus i l'Skytrain carregat amb tot el material i cap a casa a descansar que dimarts pot ser que hi torni!!! :D 


When you are in Canada and it is cold outside, you have two options: staying at home or take advantage of the cold like we did today!

With the salary of last two weeks I had done an investment in happiness and good moments! I got a season pass for Cypress a ski resort close to Vancouver, and I bought a pair of second hand skies.

This weekend, I had 4 days off because of some schedule changes before Cristhmass. I asked if anyone would like to join me in going to ski. And I had been lucky that Natalie (a professional Canadian skier) joined me!

It was a really foggy day and we was supposed to be at -2ºC or -3º C, but anyway we took a jacket and we had a great time!

I don't know if it was because it was the first skiing day of the year, because of the quality and quantity of Canadian snow (too good), because the fog and the fact that we barely couldn't see where we where stepping,  or any other cheap excuse that I could imagine... The fact is that I had fallen down more today, than for the last five years together. jajajjajjaaj

Everything is fine don't worry, I hadn't get hurt, I was falling on soft snow. I must admit that it was also funny! And as Natalie told me: If you don't fall down is that you are not skiing over your limits, so you will never improve. So by now on, I will start to fall down more often! :D

In my defense I will show you some pictures of where we were skiing through and in with which weather conditions were we. jejeje

We spent there a good time, and after it we left because of the fog and because Natalie was working at the afternoon. It was such a great day!

Once we get to Downtown again, I took the bus and the Skytrain charged with all the equipment and I went home to rest that maybe on Tuesday I am going there again! :D

dissabte, 15 de desembre del 2012

Snowing at home!!

Bon dia esta nevant!

Ja fa uns dies que es veu que també ho va fer. Però jo dormia, i al despertar-me ja no quedava neu.

Però avui està quallant més i aviat quedarem colgats! jajajajaja És conya, amb prou feines hi ha 0,5cm... jejeje Però ja es veu enfarinat!

El nostre carrer nevant!

Good morning it is snowing!!

Some days ago, tells the story that it was snowing too, but I was sleeping and when I wake up there was nothing else but rain...

But today it is getting everything white, and soon we won't be able to go out to the street, because the snow will block the door! jajajjajaja I'm joking, as you can see it is not such amount of snow (yet). jejeje

4 days off!!

Estic temporalment de vacances! M'han canviat l'horari i aquest cap de setmana serà de 4 dies!!!

La setmana que ve promet ser durilla, així k aquests 4 dies m'aniran de perles!
Per començar a aprofitar-los, diumenge potser me'n vaig a esquiar!!

Com que la vida son 4 dies i a saber quan tornaré al Canadà, m'he tret un passe de temporada per les pistes d'ski de Cypress!! (a North Vancouver)

El penso aprofitar al màxim!! Em passaré l'hivern o al restaurant o a les pistes, a casa ni m'hi trobareu! jejeje

Ja us penjaré alguna foto aviat de la primera skiada de la temporada!! (si el temps ho permet);)
Una abraçada!


I am officially on holidays! I had a change in my schedule, and I got 4 days off!

Next week seems that will be really intense, so those 4 days will be really good to get ready!
As starting, maybe that Sunday I will go to sky!

As life is short, and I won't be forever in Canada, I took a season pass for skiing on Cypress Mountain in North Vancouver!

I will use it as much as possible! This winter I will be or at the restaurant or at Cypress! I won't be at home anymore! jejeje

I will post some pictures soon from the first ski descent of the season! (If the weather is not too bad)

dimecres, 12 de desembre del 2012

12 del 12 de 2012 a les 12h 12 min 12 segons

Hem sobreviscut a una de les fi's del món segons els Maies! Ànims que ja només ens queden dos matchballs més el 21 del 12. I el dia de cap d'any, que després de l'apocalipsi que havia de venir amb l'efecte 2000, ja és sospitós habitual a totes les travesses d'extincions, cataclismes i demés!

Superat això ja podrem viure tranquils (almenys fins que descobrim una altra profecia) i riure sense por de tots aquells flipats que es van fer búnquers.
Del contrari, si tot peta, ja se'n riuran ells de nosaltres tancats als seus zulos antiatòmics! (si els han servit d'algo)

Quan xerrant amb la gent em preguntin:
- I on erets tu quan la fi del món?
Hauré de respondre gens glamourosament:
-A mi em va pillar rentant plats!

Ja es pot acabar el món o petar tot plegat, que a mi no em pillarà amb els plats per rentar! jajajajajaja

Vinga una abraçada i ja em podeu anar fent lloc al vostre búnquer anti-fidelmón per si un cas! jajajajaja


We have survived to one of the Maya's ends of the world! Common there are only two match-balls more! The 21th of December. And new years day, that after all the apocalypse predicted for the 2000 effect, it will always be one of the usual suspects talking about chaos and ends of the world!

Once all we will had survived to that 2 more dates, we will be able to live in peace (at least until next prophesy). And we will be able to start to laugh without any fear from all those that had been building bunkers.
If finally something went wrong, then they will be laughing from us from their antinuclear holes! (if they worked)

While chatting with people they will ask me:
-Where were you when the End of the World?
I would answer without any glamour:
- I was cleaning dishes!

Because world can finish anytime, that it won't catch me with my dishes dirty!

Hughs and save a place for in your bunkers anti end of the world, just in case! ;)

dilluns, 10 de desembre del 2012

Un altre cap de setmana, i a treballar altre cop!

Aquest cap de setmana ha estat molt molt profitós! Malauradament queden com 3 hores per a que torni a entrar a treballar... Però seguint amb l'optimisme exagerat que tinc últimament, ho deixarem en que ja queda menys pel següent cap de setmana! jajajaja

Com deia, aquest cap de setmana ha donat molt de sí! Tenia pensat anar a donar una volta per Nord Vancouver a descobrir llocs nous i passar el dia porai, però al final vaig canviar de plans. Vaig decidir llogar una bici i perdrem en algun lloc entre l'Standley Park i Nord Vancouver.

Al final en Jordi s'hi va enrolar i després de llevar-nos molt, molt d'hora (les 11h de la matinada), vam fer cap cap a la botiga de les bicis. En vam llogar un parell i més contents que uns gínjols vam començar a fer kilòmetres!

Vam repetir la foto com 135 vegades, en Jordi tenia
molts problemes per a mantenir-se dret sobre la bici!
Falta de pràctica potser?

En acabar les 2 hores que havíem llogat les bicis, ja era hora de dinar. Vam anar a un xinu on ens vam fotre un bon tiberi. Encara em cou la boca de la carn al curri que em vaig demanar! Boníssim però molt picant!

Ben dinat i amb la panxa plena vaig anar a comprar les entrades per la sessió de les 7 d'Skyfall! La última peli de James Bond!

La pel·lícula, no està malament. Però per mi, James Bond sempre serà Pierce Brosnan, ni Craig's, ni Moore's, ni Connery's! Segur que molta gent no hi estarà d'acord, però què hi farem!

Una altra cosa que m'indigna, és que sóc capàs d'entendre el 99,9% de la peli sense subtítols ni massa esforç. Però posant tota la meva atenció m'és molt molt difícil de seguir una conversa entre dos canadencs! I no crec que sigui cosa de l'accent, perquè sóc totalment immune a ell, no diferencio a un escocès d'un neozelandès, o d'un canadenc! Suposo que és qüestió de temps i pràctica...

Doncs res, canviant de tema, diumenge vaig anar a fer la bogada que ja no ho podia posposar més. I al tornar vaig fer un Skype que tenia pendent des de feia mesos, i potser algun any i tot! Vaig parlar amb l'Aivan que està a Toronto! El colega que em va enganyar per a venir a Canadà! jajajjajaja És conya, vaig venir per pròpia voluntat, però sí que és cert, que va ser ell el que em va ajudar amb tots els tràmits! Mil gràcies per l'assessorament consular Aivan!

I per a no faltar a la tradició dels diumenges al vespre, vam acabar el cap de setmana patinant sobre gel! :)


This weekend had been really profitable! It is a pity but in less than 3 hours it is coming to its end... Anyway and been as optimistic as always, next weekend is now closer! :)

As I was saying, I had done a lot of things! I had in mind making a walking excursion around North Vancouver. But later I changed my mind and I decided to rent a bike and get lost somewhere between Standley Park and North Vancouver.

At last moment, Jordi joined me and after waking up really really early (at 11am) we went to the bike shop. We took a pair of bikes and we started the trip!

After 2 hours of bike rental, we get hungry. So we went to a Chinese restaurant where we had such a great meal! The only problem was that by now I can still notice my mouth burning for the Curry Beef that I ordered! Really good but very spicy!

Once we had lunch I went to get the tickets for Skyfall, last James Bond movie!

It is a good movie, as all the 007 movies... But for me, Pierce Brosnan will always be the real James Bond! No matter about Craig's, Moore's or Connery's! I'm sure that a lot of people will disagree but well...

Another thing that I am pissed of is that I am able to understand the 99'9% of the film without subtitles and many effort. But paying as much attention as I can, it is really hard for me to follow a conversation between two Canadian people! And It is not an accent thing, because I am immune to them, I can not distinguish between a Scottish, a Kiwi or a Canadian! I suppose that is question of time and practice... we will see!

Changing of topic, Sunday I went to make the laundry because it could not be postponed anymore...
Coming back from the laundry I made a Skype that I had pending for some time. I had talked with Aivan that is in Toronto! He is the one that fooled me to come to Canada! jejejeje Well, that's not true at all, he helped me so much with all the paperwork of the visa! Thank you so much Aivan! ;)

And finally, for not failing to the Sundays' evening tradition, we finished the weekend skating at the Ice rink! :)

dilluns, 3 de desembre del 2012


Aquest cap de setmana ha estat més tranquil que l'anterior. He aprofitat per a descansar, anar a fer unes birres amb uns amics i fer una mica de feina. No massa cosa tampoc, alguns dissenys i començar a treballar en un nou vídeo... :)

I com a fi de festa, aquest vespre hem anat a patinar sobre gel!!

Hi ha una pista de gel al centre, que pagant $4 pel lloguer dels patins pots patinar tota l'estona que vulguis! L'han obert fa poc, i tot just avui l'hem estrenat! Segur que no serà la última vegada que hi anem! De fet crec que hi anirem sovint (almenys jo), que ens ho hem passat molt bé!

With Natalie, Darcy, Yoshimi and Jordi!

Ha sigut molt curiós, perque hi havia una mena de caminadors de plàstic blaus per a aprendre a patinar. Era genial per als nens petits, eren els amos de la pista amb això!

Igualment, encara que sapiguessis patinar ha resultat ser molt divertit aquest trasto! Podies córrer més, feies derrapades, xocaves, atropellaves... Molt divertit!

Un avi patinant amb el seu caminador.
I res, això és tot de moment! A veure que porta de nou la setmana, sinó el cap de setmana que ve més, i qui sap potser fem un cop de cap i anem a esquiar!


This weekend was more calm than the last one. I had been resting, having some beers with friends, working in some designs and starting a new video project! :)

And we finish it with an amazing skating evening!

There is a ice rink in downtown that paying $4 for hiring the skates, you can skate all the time that you want! They opened some days ago, and today we went for the first time! I'm sure that it won't be the last time that we will go there because we had such a great time. Actually I think that we are going to o there often, at least me, because we really enjoyed!

We founded really curious a blue plastic thing for learning to skate. It is wonderful for children, they are the fucking masters of the rink!

Anyway even if you know how to skate, it's also very very funny to use them! You can run faster, to skid, to crash, and to knock people down! Very funny!

And that's all by now. We will see what this next week will bring, and ithere is nothing new next weekend more! Who knows maybe I try to go to ski, we will see!

dissabte, 1 de desembre del 2012

I have a dream!

Avui he recordat un somni. Mai em passa, o en contades ocasions.
És curiós, perquè ara que el recordo, crec que l'he tingut altres nits també, aquí a Vancouver.

No és cap paranoia rara, ni em posaré a explicar un somni molt surrealista, tranquils. Ha estat només un breu moment, i llavors m'he despertat.

Recordo sentir-me estressat, amb sensació de molta feina. Traginant safates amb plats, envoltat de piles i més piles de plats. Recordo també més o menys el que és el meu racó a la cuina del restaurant.
Amb una d'aquestes safates que transportava, em desperto de cop i volta sobresaltat. M'incorporo pensant que estic a la feina. I lo més curiós de l'assumpte, és que no porto una safata de plats a les mans, sinó que el què porto és el coixí agafat com si ho fos! jajajajjaja

M'estic tornant boig? XD Freud ajuda! jajajajaja

Avui li he explicat a un amic cuiner del restaurant, i m'ha dit que a ell també li ha passat fa poc!! XD Deu venir amb la professió!
Ell m'ha tranquilitzat dient: - You are working too many hours, man! - Serà això! jejejeje

Tot somniant i treballant, torna a ser dissabte a la matinada! I torno a tenir tot un cap de setmana per endavant! No sabeu lo content que estic! Aquesta setmana m'ha passat volant! :)

Una abraçada i bona nit! Me'n vaig a somniar que treballo!


Today I've remembered a dream. It almost never happen to me, or not so often.
It's curious because now that I remember the dream, I think that I've got it some other nights, here in Vancouver.

It is not a weird paranoia, and I am not going to tell you a long surrealist history. Don't worry! It was only for a moment, and then I woke up.

I remember feeling stressed, with a lot of work. I was bringing racks of dishes, surrounded  by towers of dirty dishes. I also remember being in my spot in the restaurant's kitchen.
Carrying one of this racks, I woke up suddenly. I got up thinking that I was at work. And the funniest thing is that I am not carrying a rack, I am carrying the pillow! jajajjaja

I am getting mad? I need some help Freud!! XD

Today I explained it to a friend at work, and he told me that he had the same dream few days ago!
It must be the profession!
He calmed me telling me: - You are working too many hours, man! - Maybe he is right! jejejejeje

While dreaming and working, it is Saturday morning again! And I am having a whole weekend ahead! You don't know how happy I am! This week has passed so fast! :)

Hugs and goodnight! I am going to dream about working!