dilluns, 3 de desembre del 2012


Aquest cap de setmana ha estat més tranquil que l'anterior. He aprofitat per a descansar, anar a fer unes birres amb uns amics i fer una mica de feina. No massa cosa tampoc, alguns dissenys i començar a treballar en un nou vídeo... :)

I com a fi de festa, aquest vespre hem anat a patinar sobre gel!!

Hi ha una pista de gel al centre, que pagant $4 pel lloguer dels patins pots patinar tota l'estona que vulguis! L'han obert fa poc, i tot just avui l'hem estrenat! Segur que no serà la última vegada que hi anem! De fet crec que hi anirem sovint (almenys jo), que ens ho hem passat molt bé!

With Natalie, Darcy, Yoshimi and Jordi!

Ha sigut molt curiós, perque hi havia una mena de caminadors de plàstic blaus per a aprendre a patinar. Era genial per als nens petits, eren els amos de la pista amb això!

Igualment, encara que sapiguessis patinar ha resultat ser molt divertit aquest trasto! Podies córrer més, feies derrapades, xocaves, atropellaves... Molt divertit!

Un avi patinant amb el seu caminador.
I res, això és tot de moment! A veure que porta de nou la setmana, sinó el cap de setmana que ve més, i qui sap potser fem un cop de cap i anem a esquiar!


This weekend was more calm than the last one. I had been resting, having some beers with friends, working in some designs and starting a new video project! :)

And we finish it with an amazing skating evening!

There is a ice rink in downtown that paying $4 for hiring the skates, you can skate all the time that you want! They opened some days ago, and today we went for the first time! I'm sure that it won't be the last time that we will go there because we had such a great time. Actually I think that we are going to o there often, at least me, because we really enjoyed!

We founded really curious a blue plastic thing for learning to skate. It is wonderful for children, they are the fucking masters of the rink!

Anyway even if you know how to skate, it's also very very funny to use them! You can run faster, to skid, to crash, and to knock people down! Very funny!

And that's all by now. We will see what this next week will bring, and ithere is nothing new next weekend more! Who knows maybe I try to go to ski, we will see!

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