dilluns, 2 de setembre del 2013

Via Catalana Vancouver / Catalan Way in Vancouver

Avui hem tingut la nostra pròpia Via Catalana aquí a Vancouver! Ha sigut tot un èxit! 60ipicu persones i més d'un o dos centenars de turistes preguntant-se de que anava tot plegat.

Hem intentat fer pedagogia i explicar tot el k esta passant a Catalunya, i les raons per les quals muntàvem aquest sarau. He acabat parlant amb uns turistes de Puerto Rico que ens han desitjat sort en la lluita contra l'imperi opressor! El que ells van aconseguir fa anys és el k nosaltres tenim a tocar.

I per això és important que la Via Catalana a Catalunya sigui un èxit! Nosaltres ja hi hem posat el nostra gra de sorra! Si us plau, no ens falleu a casa i ompliu tots els trams, de Portbou a Alcanar!

Des de Catalunya, Vancouver i totes les grans ciutats del mon aconseguirem almenys ser sentits. Que ens escoltin o no ja és una altra cosa. Però almenys que per cridar no quedi!

Deixant el fet de la Via Catalana a part, avui he pogut conèixer els Catalans de Vancouver. I només m'ha sapigut greu una cosa, no haver-los conegut abans!
Ha sigut un gran dia on per un moment m'he sentit com a casa. Des d'aqui molta sort a tots amb les vostres aventures vancouverianes personals!

Per cert! De rebot m'ha tocat fer de càmera en algun dels clips que hem rodat per a enviar a l'ANC. Així doncs si veieu per TV3 la via catalana de Vancouver potser que jo hi stigui just darrera la càmera!! ;)


Today we had a tiny demonstration in Vancouver as a prelude of the September the 11th (Our National Day, also known for another sad and unfortunate historical event).

What is going to happen in Catalonia next September 11th, is that Catalan people will be holding hands all over the country from north to south, in a 400km long human chain.

If that's not impressive enough, there had been Catalan people in more than 90 different cities all over the world, being the one in London the most crowded with about 800 people, and the one in the Great Wall of China the more original.

"As a historical note, in 1989 within the soviet union, people hold hands all over three countries (Estonia, Latvia and Lithuania) about 600km that leaded to the independence of those three countries, and the collapse, 2 years later, of the Soviet Union."

The aim of Catalan Way is to make even more visible that Catalan people wants to split from Spain or at least want to be consulted about it, always in a democratic, pacific and friendly way.

For those who doesn't know about it, in Spain there are more cultures other than the Spanish. There are bilingual regions that has their own culture, traditions and languages.

And Catalonia tired of being systematically stepped on our culture, our language, our economy, our resources, and our human rights by the Spanish Government; decided to step forward (as I said before) in a pacific, democratic and friendly way for our country, rights, culture, economy, and future asking firmly to at least be consulted about if we rather prefer to be or not an independent country.

This right had been forbidden to us until the date, and we are trying as hard as we can to be heard by any other country more democratic than Spain; where, we can not forget that not so many years ago we had a military ultra right wing dictatorship who forbid, beside many other things, any language and cultural expression other than the Spanish ones. Unfortunately some of their thoughts has still some roots in some sectors of the Spanish society.

So please people all over the world, help us to spread our claim. This Catalan Way is our scream for help! Catalonia is not Spain! Help us to be the next country in Europe!

Thank you so much in advanced!


Once again, and always talking about Catalan politics, the post in English is not a translation from the Catalan one, as it use to be on every other occasion.
Sometimes is more important to explain for understanding, than the literal translation of empty words for a person that doesn't know about the political context of our country.

2 comentaris:

  1. Que bé que finalment hi hagis pogut participar!!
    Ha d'haver estat xulo poder manifestar el sentiment català en terres llunyanes.
    I això de conèixer els catalans a Vancouver, primer era difícil pels teus horaris, però amb la nova feina era més factible. Si haguessis fet cas de la teva mare.....jajaja

    1. jajajajajajaja Aix... Hi ha tantes coses en que t'hauria d'haver fet cas... jajajajajajaja
