dimarts, 23 d’abril del 2013

Feliç Sant Jordi!!

Molt bona diada de Sant Jordi a tothom!!

A Vancouver no hi tindrem roses, però tenim flors de cirerers per tot arreu!


In Catalonia today is Saint George's day, and for us is the lover's day. Our Saint Valentin's.

It is a gorgeous tradition, and if you ever go to Barelona I would recommend you to go on the 23th of April! It is the best day of the year to visit the city! The streets are full of people, roses, books and Catalan flags! It's just amazing!

The tradition tells that the boys must give a rose to his lover, and the girls a book in response! Nowadays everyone give and receive books and roses that day! It's our way to say: I love you!

This year in Vancouver there would not be any roses, but there will be cherry tree flowers. It's full of them everywhere!

So have a good Sant Jordi's day! And get as much roses as you can! ;)

2 comentaris:

  1. Feliç Sant Jordi desde Barcelona Pau!!!!!!!

    aquest any, un any més s'han omplert tots els carrers amb llibres, flors, senyeres i estalades. Feia molt bon dia :)

    espero que el teu 23 d'Abril també hagi anat bé. Molts molts petons i abraçades de part de tota la família.

    1. Sara!! Espero k hagis tingut moltes roses!! I hagueu passat un molt bon Sant Jordi! :)
      Què bé que hagi fet bon dia!!

      Aqui ha sigut un dia normal, però bueno almenys fa sol! A veure si ara el Barça remunta i ja me'n podré anar a treballar tranquil! ;)

      Una abraçada ben forta a la family!! Molts records!!
