diumenge, 24 de març del 2013

30 KM

Avui he anat a cobrir un entrenament d'en Jordi i l'Albert. S'estan preparant per a la Marató de Vancouver i per la de Sant Francisco. I avui els tocava fer 30 km.

Així que jo he anat a llogar uns patins, i els he seguit de principi a fi fent-los fotos!

Demà tindré unes agulletes de les k fan història, i volia anar a esquiar que la temporada s'acaba i l'he d'aprofitar tant com pugui... Però ja veurem... jejeje


Today I went to follor an Albert's and Jordi's training. They are preparing the Marathons of Vancouver and San Francisco. And today they had to do 30 km.

So I rent a pair of rollerblades and I followed them taking pictures of them since the beginning till the end!

Tomorrow I will maybe feel pain in all my body for the effort, but I will try to go to ski anyway, that the season is getting to it's end and I have to took advantage of it as much as I can!

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